Chapter Seventeen

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The two human parents loved their five-year old son with all their hearts, so much so that they would do anything to keep him smiling.

The Young couple was unable to have children of their own and on one unfortunate yet fortunate day, they got a phone call from the police station about a baby boy who had been found in the middle of the woods. The lady knew from that moment that she wouldn't stop until this baby boy was hers, the Moon Goddess saw all the love and determination the young lady had and answered her prays. Four hours later, the couple went to the police station and the baby boy was given to them, no long waiting periods or anything, the baby was theirs. The young lady was filled with tremendous amounts of joy, she was finally able to hold a child and call it her own.

  From this day, the young couple took in the child and did everything in their power to give him the best that they could provide, not knowing anything of the child's background. The child had been stolen away from his pack when he was four months old. Police investigations were taking place in those woods during that time, when he was stolen away from his pack. They were investigating a case on a young woman who had been murdered and witnesses claimed that they saw a man burying a body deep within the woods. While searching and patrolling the area, an officer came across the crying infant and took the brown haired baby to the station. Four hours later the Jacob's come to the station and adopted him and named him Carlos Jacob. His actual family was a wolf pack that was at war with their neighboring enemy The Twilight Pack, which was why the baby was left in the middle of the woods. The Blue Glade Alpha and Luna wanted their son back and tracked and searched for him for five years.

When they found out that the Jacobs had adopted him they gave them two days to return their son, or else they would be killed. The Jacobs being humans, knew that they would never win in a fight against super naturals. The Jacob's had no choice but to hand their baby boy back to his parents. The man: Joel Jacobs, suggested staging a murder and telling Carlos to run away from the burning house, to continue living for them. The night after the plan was set they went through with the plan, informing the pack about the plan as well.

They set the house on fire and burned down along with the house, telling Carlos to run as far as possible and he did, the Jacobs gave him a backpack and in that backpack was a letter that explained everything that happened on the night they died. Carlos a five-year-old boy having seen his parents die and experiencing such trauma, developed a vindictive goal and that was to end the people that caused him such trauma. On this day he vowed that he would kill everyone that had anything to do with the Jacobs death. Carlos read the letter and found out that he's biological parents were the cause of his adoptive parent's deaths and that the plan had been for some wolves in the Blue Glade pack to go into the house and save the couple, but no one came and they burnt to death. Carlos ran away from his pack when he turned twelve and met a man who took him in and cared for him as if he was his own son.

The stories that followed this man were anything but good, they called him the Death Wolf; although, Carlos never payed much attention to the stories that followed the man. The Death Wolf helped Carlos to get his revenge on his pack and for his adoptive parents and together they slaughtered and wiped out the entire Blue Glade Pack. Carlos pledged his loyalty to the Death Wolf and together they started a pack of their own. The Death Wolf being the Alpha and Carlos his Beta. They Called it the Blood Crescent Pack.

They worked side by side to build a pack that would have any wolf, vampire or human cowering in fear at the very name of the pack. For decades the pack was and still is the one of the strongest packs to have existed. When the Death Wolf met his mate things changed, they had a son and he took over the pack by overthrowing his father, he believed that his father's ways of ruling were cruel and ruthless. So when he took over he changed the name and the motto of the pack. Even though the wolf pack had been renamed and was under someone else's leadership, the historical reputation following the pack never changed or faded away. Other wolf packs and super naturals still thought that the pack was run by the Death Wolf and lived in fear of the pack.

The Death wolf swore that he would take back his pack, even if it meant killing his own son and mate. Carlos had already started planning ways for the Death Wolf, to make his infamous return. When the new Alpha met his mate, that's when everything started falling into place and soon the past would come back and bite the mangy mutt in his treacherous tail.

Revenge is best served on a plate of love. And the dished they planned to served, would be one to die for.

The past will always come back to bite you especially when you cage it up for nine years.


This chapter is really short, I know it's not my usual or even best, but the grammar and spelling are on another level of fleek, honestly it's amazing, if I missed something I'm super sorry, but I literally tried my best when I edited this chapter. Anyway that is literally all I have for you.

Vote, Comment and I shall see you in august. That's a wrap. Rosie out.

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Running Back To The Alpha(On holdish/ rewriting and editing )Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now