How we met

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We both lived in Tokyo and while Seiya and Seika lived in an orphanage, I lived with my parents a fairly ordinary life. The very first time I met Seiya, my siblings were sick, so I had to entertain myself. With permission from my mother, I wandered around the city until I came across Seiya's orphanage, in which children were playing soccer. Interested, I leaned on the wall at first and just watched the boys play around. And once my feet grew tired, I sat on the wall and watched.

At some point the boys started to notice me because some players would start to make fancy moves.

At least they were to me.

One boy slid on the floor, barely kicking the ball into the goal. Another jumped into the air and shot his goal. Another even did a handstand. Child me was quite impressed at what the boys did and I clapped my hands every time someone kicked a goal. That was when a boy accidentally kicked the ball too high and four boys tried to do a headshot into the goal. The ball slipped past them and their heads crashed into each other. Gasping in shock, I covered my mouth and watched the boys fall to the ground, clutching their heads in pain. Worried, I called out "Are you alright?"

One boy gave me a thumbs up, while another was clearly about to cry but gave me a smile nonetheless. The first one to stand back up from that embarrassing blunder was Seiya. His cheeks red and his reddish brown eyes glistening, he approached me with a smirk and leaned on the wall I was sitting on "What is your name?"

I introduced myself with my first name and slightly tilted my head in wonder "And what is your name?"

"Seiya!" He answered so loudly, I was a little startled but quickly giggled at his outburst. Hearing my laughter, he beamed even brighter and pointed towards the soccer field "Do you want to play with us?"

"Really? I can?" Most of the time when boys in my kindergarten played soccer, they didn't like playing with girls. I wasn't much of a soccer fan but it still stung when I wasn't allowed to play with the other kids.

Nodding his head, he took my hand and pulled me to the other boys "Let's play with her!"

"Does she know the rules?" Asked a boy I would later know as Hyoga. His Japanese wasn't that clear back then with a quite strong accent but I could fairly understand him. I nodded my head and they placed me on defence in Seiya's team.

To say that I was good would have been a lie but I did snatch the ball away a couple of times and I had good control about where I kicked it. It was fun to play with Seiya and the other boys and if memory serves me right, I think Seika actually took some photos of us all playing together.

I still have a photo in which me and Seiya are sitting on the ground with dirt all over us and cheeky grins on our lips. We crashed into each other and scraped our hands and knees. But we were still happy about it and laughed at both of our carelessness.

In the end we played soccer until the sky turned crimson red and the air grew a little chilly. My tummy was growling because I didn't eat anything besides breakfast.

I had to go back home.

A little reluctant, I watched most boys going into the orphanage with the soccer ball and wishing me a nice evening. I replied back and waved my hand until only me and Seiya were left. Looking reluctant himself, he chuckled "I guess you have to go back home, huh?"

"Yeah... I wish we could have played more."

"Then you can come back tomorrow!" Smiling brightly again, he explained "We are always free on the weekends! Just come back tomorrow and we can play another game!"

Happy about the invitation, I nodded my head enthusiastically and gave him my brightest smile "Thank you, Seiya!"

He instantly had crimson cheeks but quickly gave me another smile and guided me to the exit "I will wait for you!"

I nodded my head and left the playing ground "See you tomorrow!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

We waved goodbye and I ran back home in such a happy mood that I couldn't stop talking about it to my family.

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