How I would name our children

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I once heard someone say that in a person's name lies the wish of a parent for their child.

Seiya and I had many debates about the name of our first child. First we had to decide whether we would go with a Japanese or a Greek name. I was pressing for a Japanese name, since I didn't want to let go of my Japanese origins. But Seiya was a little worried that our child would be bullied because of racism, since he was a victim of racism in Sanctuary. It took us a little to work through his trauma of his childhood and after a visit to my family in Japan, he finally changed his mind, thinking that he was proud of being Japanese.

Our next concern was whether our child was male or female. We made two lists to be prepared for both genders and Seiya even came up with the idea of choosing gender neutral names like Shion or Shun. Of all the ideas, I thought that it was the nicest. Plus, every time we visited the gynaecologist, the baby would turn in a way that the doctor couldn't determine whether they were male or female.

They were a mystery.

Truthfully speaking, I wouldn't have minded either way. The thought of a child of my own was ecstatic enough as it was. I could play with them, I could teach them, I could be there to wipe every tear away...

It didn't matter whether they were a boy or a girl, I would be able to live with whatever life wanted to throw at us.

Seiya on the other hand hoped to have a boy as our first child. He wasn't confident that he would be a good parent to a girl, especially because of how much of a brute he was himself. Not that he would ever punch her, of course not! But in his mind all girls liked flowers, puppets, pretty clothes...

How could he give advice on such manners?

If our first child was a boy, he would be able to train him, to straighten him up if he ever messes up or play rough with him, just to tease them. I tried to tell him that he also could do the same things with a girl but he was adamant that a girl was to be treasured, not manhandled.

There was no way that our daughter would ever hate her awkward father.

And finally, our last concern was which wish we wanted to plant in our first baby's name.

Seiya fought hard battles and had to overcome hurdles in a short time. Of all the things he had to master to win his battles, it was his steadiness that allowed him to find victory and to fight for a better future. His wish for his child was to be steady like a mountain, to be able to endure anything and to stand back up, no matter how difficult their times would be.

Unlike Seiya I never had to lay my life on the line or had to fight a hard battle. I also hope that our child never has to be in such a dangerous situation but if fate would put them on the path of battle, I can only pray that they will be alright. I will not pray that my child becomes the best fighter there is. Really, they never have to be someone of grand status to make me proud. The thought alone that they are well and in good health will make me happy.

There are many things I would wish for my children.

I want them to be strong.

I want them to be protected.

I want them to have a peaceful life.

Athena is the war goddess of wisdom and I think knowledge is one of the greatest powers there is. To know what has to be done, to know how to solve a problem, just like Seiya always does when he is faced with a difficult opponent.

I want my child to have a sharp and clear mind, so they can save themselves if they need to.

And that was how we named our first child Taisa.

Tai (泰) from the Chinese mountain Taishan.

And Sae (冴) meaning sharpness or to clear.

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