1 - Past & Present

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**20 YEARS AGO; 1999**

I was tossing the last of my luggage in the trunk of his car as he was hugging his parents and sibling's goodbye.

"You sure a road trip with Chris is a good idea?" My dad Thomas asked, and I smiled at him as I closed the trunk.

"Yeah, I mean he is my best friend and since we are both going to California it just seems smart." I said looking at my parents.

"I just can't believe you are on your way to California." Martha, my mother said, and I sighed.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't be if Aunt Tammy wasn't lending me her place." I said and they smiled.

"Just remember, if you need anything to call us." Thomas said and I nodded as I looked at my parents with tears in my eyes. I wrapped them in a group hug before the tears could fall but they started flowing as we hugged.

I was 18 and leaving Sudbury, Massachusetts, my hometown. I had never been on a trip without my parents before and now I was not only going on a trip without my parents I was driving cross-country from Boston to California with my best childhood friend Chris Evans. He was on his way to California as well to try to break into the acting business and was living with his older sister Carly who was already out there.

Chris and I had been friends since middle school when we were cast in the play together that his mom theater put on. We became fast friends and soon wherever one was, the other was close behind. Chris made his plans known he wanted to act in high school when he was in every play. I on the other hand went in the opposite direction and was in choir and our show choir. I loved singing and dancing most of all.

So here Chris and I were now 18 and packing up a car to go to Los Angles, him to act, me to sing and hopefully be discovered.

Once my parents and I broke apart Chris walked over with his Ma and his younger siblings his brother Scott and sister Shanna.

Lisa pulled me into a hug, and I smiled as we hugged. Once we broke apart, she placed a hand in my cheek.

"You got this girl. You go show them that amazing voice of yours." Lisa said and I gave a small nod. I hugged Chris's siblings and then looked at Chris.

"Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded. He hugged my parents and then took my hand. "Let's hit the road." Chris said as we walked to his car, getting in and we drove away.

I looked at Chris, "Can you believe we are doing this?"

Chris looked over at me quickly and then back to the road.

"No, but yet we are both ready for this. We get to make our own destiny's." Chris said and I nodded.

We were silent for some time, just concentrating on the trip, the biggest trip of our lives.

"Just promise me one thing..." I spoke up finally.

"What's that?" Chris inquired.

"No matter what happens and not matter how big one or both of us gets. We will always be friends and always be there for one another." I said and Chris smiled. He grabbed my hand from my lap, brought the back of my hand to his lips and kissed it.

"No matter what happens Frankie, I will always be your friend and never forget you." Chris said giving me a wink and I smiled at him.

**12 YEARS LATER; 2011**

I was sitting at the bar at an afterparty for the People's Choice Awards. I had won yet another award for Pop Song of the Year and Pop Artist of the Year. I couldn't believe this was where I was.

12 years ago, I made this crazy trip to Los Angeles and was quickly heard singing at an open mic at a bar and was signed to a record label.

"Guess who I heard actually came to the after party?" My friend and assistant Hollie said, and I just shrugged.

"Chris Evans!" She shrieked but not too many people overheard over the music. I just rolled my eyes and took the shot that was set in front of me.

"Why aren't you excited?! He never comes to after parties!" Hollie said and I just shrugged.

"I'm not as crazy about him as most women are." I said and she groaned.

We went back to being silent. No one in the industry or even my new life knows that I knew Chris and we traveled out here together. No one even knows we were friends...well used to be friends and I was keeping it that way.

The bartender came back over to me, and I smiled.

"Gin and tonic please." I said and he nodded.

I drank it down once he brought it to me and sighed. I looked at Hollie.

"Can we please go now?" I asked. She groaned. "Listen you said I just had to make an appearance, but I just want to go." I said and she nodded.

"Let's go." She said as we got up from our seats and worked our way outside the party. As we were standing waiting for my car service, that's when I heard it, the voice I didn't want to hear.

"Running out already?" I groaned when I heard it. I knew who it was by the look on Hollie's face. I didn't turn around and just figured I could ignore it and it might go away.

"Frankie..." Hollie grumbled wanting me to answer him. The car pulled up to us. Hollie opened the door and got in. I went to get in and stopped, turning to look at Chris.

We just made eye contact and he just sighed. He saw the hurt that still lingered in my eyes.

"Congratulations on the awards tonight." He said. I just half nodded and got in the car.

"Drive please." I said to the driver.

"What the hell was that about?!" Hollie asked.

"Drop it, Hollie." I snapped.

"But -..."

"I said drop it."

Hollie just looked at me knowing there was a past but knew not to pry.

We got home and I quickly changed, Hollie went to her place leaving me alone. I walked to my closet and pulled down a box that I kept hidden. I sat on the floor of my walk-in closet and just started looking at everything. There were pictures I kept hidden from my childhood and the road-trip I took to get to LA. The last states we hit before California were a strain to be together, but we survived.

Tonight was the first night I had seen Chris Evans in 12 years since he dropped me off at my aunts house. He dropped me off then pulled out of the driveway and out of my life forever. The friendship that I thought could never be broken was indeed broken and finished.

I put the lid back on the box wiping away tears. I got into bed and memories of that road trip plagued my mind, keeping me from any form of sleep.

Why did I have to see Chris tonight? I embarrassed myself once with him to the point it ruined us both, I refused to do it again. The sooner I could forget about Chris being in my life, the better.

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