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Hawkins, Indiana

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Hawkins, Indiana

July 1985

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Death Star Hallway

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Steve emerges from behind a piece of machinery, looking around. "Okay, it's clear. Let's go." Steve says, motioning towards the others. Quickly they run across the hall, making sure to stay as silent as possible.

Once in the clear, Robin lets out a breath. "That was close." Robin says. Dustin nods, relaxing a bit into Jeffery's side. "Too close." Dustin breathes. "Relax. All right? Relax. Nobody saw...." Jeffery trails off.

Rounding a corner, they unwittingly walk into a bustling 2-level hub - the main entryway that leads to the rift lab. Dozens of scientists, armed soldiers, and men in hazmat suits are hard at work.

The kids duck out of sight.

"Jesus!" Steve hisses under his breath, crouching beside Dustin. "Red Dawn." Dustin says to himself, looking around for the comm rooms.

Erica nudges him. "I saw it. First floor, northwest." Erica says "Saw what?" Steve asks, looking between the two with confusion. "The Comm room." Erica says

Incredulous, he stares at her. "You saw the Comms room?" Steve asks

Erica rolls her eyes. "Correct." Erica says "Are you sure?" Jeffery asks, trying to find the room himself. Erica nods. "Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there." Erica says

Dustin scoffs. "That could be a hundred different things." Dustin says

To Steve. "I'll take those odds." Robin says

Steve shakes his head and sighs. They peer out from their hiding spot, gauging the distance to the Comms Room. "All right. We're gonna move fast, we're gonna stay low. Okay?" Steve orders the group, earning nods.

Steve goes first, then the others follow, keeping low.

Quickly as they hear footsteps, they take cover behind some large containers. They take a moment, waiting for a couple of Russian workers to pass. Then, Steve, Jeffery, Robin, Dustin, and Erica make their way to a spot across from the Comms Room.

A scientist exits the room and Steve motions the group forward. Steve catches the door before it closes and they all slip inside.

Steve shuts the door softly. But a Russian Soldier sitting at the console turns to them. The soldier removes his headphones, and eyes the group with a bewildered expression. He stands from his seat and reaches for his gun.

"Tread lightly." Robin says in Russian, holding her hands up.

The soldier stops. Now he's really confused. "Tread lightly!" Robin continues, getting nervous. Incredulous. "Who are you!?" The soldier asks

"Silver cat. Silver cat." Robin panics

"I don't understand." The soldier says, tilting his head. "China?" Robin tires

The soldier reaches for his gun. With a yell, Steve charges at the soldier, but the man easily shoves Steve aside. The soldier takes a swing, but Steve manages to dodge the punch. The soldier grabs Steve and throws him into a desk. Steve elbows the soldier who stumbles back, giving Steve time to grab a phone and whack the soldier across the face, who spins, slips, and bangs his head off the console. Unconscious.

Dustin gasps, eyes wide, throwing his arms out. "Dude! You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin exclaims

Pushing his hair out of his face, Steve breaks into a smile. Jeffery nods, impressed.

Steve huffs, looking down at the unconscious soldier. Darian would be so proud.

Dustin takes the key card from the soldier's belt. "What are you doing?" Erica asks

"Getting us our ticket out of here." Dustin says "You want to walk all the way back?" Erica scoffs. "Well, we can hang out for a bit, relax, have a picnic maybe." Dustin says sarcastically. "Have a picnic!? We came here for the radio." Erica shouts

"Well, this plan is way better. If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian, that would have been our plan in the first place." Dustin says

Robin has made her way up the stairs and peers through the window at the top of the door. "Guys. There's something up there." Robin says

Robin ducks through the door first, then ushers the others in. They walk to a set of windows looking into the Control/Observation Room.

Two scientists are at the console, the others are milling about taking notes on clipboards.

Down at the rift bay, there are men in hazmat suits working on the key. Two men on either side each push a cylinder of radioactive fuel into ports on the side of the Key. It's fully operational. The beam is firing and opening a gash to the Rift.

Jeffery, Steve, and Dustin are shocked and speechless.


Wheelers Household.

Darian stares at his injured foot, grimacing as he pulls out a shard of glass, he inspects it before dumping it into the sink.

There was a knock at the bathroom door. "Baby, it's me." Karen calls out from the other side. Darian flinches and he looks up. "Sorry Mom, I'm busy!" Darian calls out. "Oh, okay, let me know if you need anything. I haven't seen you in a couple of days! I'm worried!" Karen calls out.

"I'm okay, I promise! I've been at Jamie's, we were working on a project at her house! Did you know Steffy is redoing her bathroom?" Darian says, the lie slipping past his lips easily.

"Oh really! We should really redo ours, okay my love, let me know if you need anything!" Karen says

Darian looks down at his leg. "You got it mom." Darian sighs, shutting his eyes, listening to her footsteps recede. He needed to tell Nancy everything the Mindflayer made him do, but something kept his mouth shut, and no matter how much he tried to tell someone, he couldn't let the words slip his mouth.

Darian whimpers as he pulls out an unnaturally long glass.

He really wished he was back in Steve's car, listening to his cheesy music and kissing until their lips were numb.



We're getting closer to the end of season 3, I know Darian is not in much of this season, but he will be making more appearances in the future, so bare with me.

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