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Hawkins, Indiana

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Hawkins, Indiana

July 1985

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Memorial Hospital

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The Wheeler Wagon pulls into an empty parking spot.


Nancy leads the others past the reception desk, where the Receptionist is chatting on the phone when she notices the group, she quickly interrupts the call. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?" She asks, looking at the group incredulously.

Nancy stiffens, and quickly she comes up with a lie. "Oh, uhm. I was just going to visit my grandma again. And this -- this is my family." Nancy says, motioning to the party behind her.

The receptionist eyes Lucas, Jamie, and Kurt. "Extended." Lucas grimaces "I don't care who they are. You know the rules. Two visitors at a time." The receptionist says with an eye roll.

"Yeah, but --" Nancy stutters "two." The receptionist cuts her off and she goes back to her phone call as Nancy and Jonathan shoot each other a look.

Nancy presses the button for the fourth floor. There's an awkward silence between Nancy and Jonathan, save for the Muzak flowing from the cheap elevator speaker.

"You know -- those things that I said yesterday, I didn't mean them." Nancy says awkwardly. Jonathan sighs. "I know." Jonathan says

"I don't think you're like those assholes. At all. I never have. I was just --" Nancy searches. "Angry?" Jonathan asks

Nancy is silent but she nods. "Which I still don't get. I was just completely, utterly, mortifyingly...wrong." Jonathan continues. Nancy gives Jonathan a look, surprised by his honesty.

"Don't let that go to your head." Jonathan says with a smirk. "I won't." Nancy replies with a grin. "I just look forward to you never doubting me again." Nancy finishes


Nancy and Jonathan head to Mrs. Driscoll's room. The hallway is devoid of people. They pass by an office where some papers and a pen are scattered on the floor. Strange. They pass by a patient's room - above the door a flashing red call light goes ignored.


They get to Mrs. Driscoll's room and push the door open.

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