𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓮♥︎ 13

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Okay, So after finding out itadori was alive you all had to change up the plan a little.

"So, What can you do?"
You heard panda ask as he turned towards itadori curiously.

"Um, I can punch, kick."

"I'm pretty sure we got the sorted..."
You watched as itadori's face turned pale and a big frown on his face.

"I'm not sure what he has been doing ever since he 'died' but I do know that if we all fought itadori without cursed energy.. Itadori would win."
Your eyes widened slightly at megumi's words since you didn't expect him to say anything, He's been awfully qu.

"Alright then, since megumi said all of that, We can get itadori to deal with that idiot todo."
Maki said with a huge grin on her face as she placed her hands on her waist.

"You better not fail us."


"Now, Let the fight begin!"
You heard itadori say as he took a step forward and smiled before being kicked in the butt by maki.
"Who made you the main character?"
She said with a scoff as you all couldn't help but nod at her words.

After painfully getting up, Itadori chuckled nervously then stood beside us as we got ready to start.

You all immediately rushed through the forest then stopped running as you all met face to face with todo.

"Everyone, split!"

Everyone went their ways, and you hid behind a tree to see what would happen in the fight between itadori and todo.

Itadori was immediately overpowered against todo's strength and speed, You were about to go help him but froze in place when you heard a question being asked

"Tell me, Yuji itadori, what type of girls do you like?"
Itadori stood still, Dumbfounded at the question before putting a finger on his chin and thinking about it.

"Um, If I had to pick then I guess tall girls... with big butts?"

Your eyes widened slightly at his words, You then stood still with dotted eyes as you looked at yourself,

'5.3 is tall....right?'
'Big butt?'
'I'm not even gonna try to know..'

You stood still behind the tree quietly then scoffed.
"Fine then, Go date some girl with a big butt, It's not like I would care."
You mumbled to yourself before taking off as you went to search for megumi since you were slightly worried..


"yuji itadori.....You are now my BESTO FRIENDO!"

"Huh..? didn't we just mee-"

Itadori got cut off as a bunch of the kyoto student came charging at him, Luckily for him, todo blocked their hits as he stood in front of him.

"I will not let you kill my best friend!"

"But we just-"

Yet again, he got cut off as the fight continued.
'Wait, are they trying to kill me?'

"Tch, Let's just go you guys."
The kyoto students said as they decided to come kill itadori after he is separated from todo.

Meanwhile back with you.
You were roaming around until you found maki fighting some blue haired girl,
You then heard that the girl doesn't want to fight, or kill itadori, she just wants to do it for her siblings.
You felt kind of bad as you gazed at her with a frown on your face, You then noticed that maki just let her go after a few minutes into the fight.

You chuckle slightly then walked up to maki.
"Guess you do have a soft spot."
You said with an innocent smile as maki turned to you with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"No I don't, And don't you dare tell anyone about this."

"Okay, okay. My mouth is shut."

You both stayed silent for a few seconds before hearing an explosion, You quickly turned around to find that it was maki's twin.

"Oh no."
You mumbled before turning to maki.

"Y/n, I'll deal with this, Could you go help megumi?"

You hesitated slightly before sighing then nodding as you walked away from the scene to find megumi.

You panted slightly as you have been running for a good minute, You then froze in your place when you heard a loud crash coming from a roof of the building, You quickly got up there to find megumi and toge, And with them was noritoshi.

"Toge senpai!"
You quickly ran up to him when you saw him bleeding.
"Are you okay."
He gave you a small nod before turning back to the curse.

The curse froze in place, Noritoshi managed to give it a few hits, But it's not like that was helping...

You covered toge's mouth and glared at him.
"If you speak any longer then you might as well be dead, So sorry If I'm being rude senpai but I need you to shut up.
Toge stared at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face before sighing in defeat as he felt slightly dizzy and didn't want to argue with you.

In the middle of the fight, The curse was suddenly beheaded, You all stared at it in shock before realizing that another curse was the one who actually beheaded it.

You saw how megumi grinned and stepped in front of it.
"We can only agree to curse each other until the end of this fight, Hm? And mark my words, As long as I'm alive, I won't let you all land a finger on my sister or anyone in fact."

You dramatically placed your hand on your chest.
"Aww, Megumi! You go big bro! You'll surely defeat...It?"
You didn't know if the curse was a woman or a male so calling the curse it would be much easier.

Later in the battle, You all actually managed to find it's weakness point, With constant attacking and teamwork.
But the hard part was that it was really strong, You used your powers to imagine a cage, But it just broke out of it, You then imagined an iron wall around it, It wasn't that easy to break out of but the curse spawned some giant spiked roots to get out of there. You even imagined some weapons since maki actually joined in the fight, But still.... None of that did anything.

Toge and maki escaped the scene to go call for help, While you megumi and noritoshi tried holding it off, You got so annoyed that you trapped it in a diamond igloo
'Now I'm just spoiling you..'

Megumi and noritoshi stared at the diamond with a deadpanned expression on their faces
"....I never knew you could do that.."

You shrugged slightly at megumi's words as you tried steading yourself, Imagining all of that one after the other was too tiring, You even got a headache and started feeling dizzy, You took a deep breath to calm yourself down, If you pass out then the diamond igloo will disappear and you'd basically be letting it out again.

Megumi stood beside you and wrapped his arms around you to help you stand us properly.
You chuckled slightly and leaned on him for support as you stared at the diamond.
"I'm surprised you've not passed out already."

You hummed softly then sighed.
"When will gojo sensei be here? I mean... I'm fine but it's getting kind of dizzy, So I think it's best if he comes here as fast as possible.."

"The main characters are here for rescue!"
You heard some idiots yell before turning to your side and blinking slightly as you narrowed your eyes to see who it was.
"Stupid dizziness.."
You mumbled to yourself as you rubbed your eyes slightly then fixed your gaze on the people coming your way.

Your eyes widened slightly as you noticed who it was, That pink hair could never be missed, And whoever was beside him was not that important. both of your gazes met for a second before suddenly getting stabbed in the stomach by a spiky root that spawned out of nowhere.

You gasped softly before slowly turning around to find that the curse escaped the igloo and It hade a huge grin on it's face when it saw that it pierced through you.
Were your last words before everything around you got blurry then you passed out in megumi's arms.


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