ch 5. Darkness of the night

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For days now, thoughts of the stranger I helped have occupied my mind, his striking visage etched into my memory. I've pondered the possibility of our paths crossing before and wondered why he fled so hastily. Lost in contemplation, I was jolted back to reality by the ringing of my office phone. "Hello, Dr. Sahil, your friend Pete is here. May he enter?" the receptionist inquired. "Yes, let him in," I consented, though silently questioning his unexpected visit.

"Heyoooo, the doctor himself! My God, your office is huge and beautiful," Pete exclaimed upon entering, bombarding me with questions. "Hello, Pete. How have you been?" I greeted him, bracing myself for the interrogation that was sure to follow. "You know, Sahil, I've been good, but let me ask you something: what's wrong with you?" Pete's inquiry caught me off guard.

What is wrong with me? I asked! Yes because you forgot that you have friends you don't go out with us,you don't attend parties, and I even heard you stoped taking alcohol, what is happening? Pete kept asking me.

I paused, the mention of alcohol sending a shiver down my spine as memories of that fateful night flooded my mind. Yet, deep down, I knew there was more to it than just alcohol. "I am busy with work," I offered vaguely, hoping to steer the conversation away from my own inner turmoil. But Pete's concern cut through my defenses like a knife. Pete saw,i was struggling, so he decided to change the subject , "So, Sahil, you're a psychiatrist now. I think I should come sometime to check my head because I think my wife will drive me crazy," he joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

Chuckling, I responded, "Pete, you should stop provoking your wife. I know you never do anything right." Despite his attempts at levity, Pete seemed determined to get to the bottom of my apparent reclusiveness. "Sahil, I have so many things to tell you, but this is not a good place. Let's meet at the bar this evening," Pete suggested eagerly. "

"No, not the bar," I countered instinctively, recoiling from the idea of revisiting the scene of past mistakes. But Pete was persistent, suggesting an alternative venue."Oh, I remember there's an ice cream place my wife took me to a few weeks back. The place is really good, offers some privacy, and the ice creams and desserts are delicious. I think we should go there," he proposed,

Okay, send me the location, and I'll be there this evening around five," I agreed,
No lies I really have ignored him for long, I needed my best friend.


I was engrossed in my duties at the ice cream shop when my boss's call interrupted my focus. "Hey Nat, do you want to make some extra cash today?" she inquired. Without hesitation, I agreed, eager for the opportunity. However, when she mentioned the night shift, a wave of dread washed over me. The darkness of the night held an ominous weight, a reminder of the trauma I endured that fateful night. I recoiled at the thought, my fear palpable.

Despite my apprehension, I couldn't refuse Miss Cat's request. She had been a pillar of support during my darkest days, both as a boss and a mother figure. With a heavy heart and trembling resolve, I reluctantly accepted the task, determined to push past my fears for her sake. "Okay, madam, I will do it," I conceded, my head spinning with anxiety. Miss Cat's gratitude was evident as she enveloped me in a reassuring hug, her warmth offering a fleeting sense of comfort amidst my turmoil.


As the day drew to a close, I received Pete's message containing the location of the ice cream shop. With my workday behind me, I gathered my belongings and made my way to the car, eager to meet Pete. And distract myself from all the noises in my mind.

Hello,my dear readers thanks for the votes and the support, sorry for delay I have been busy lately,but I will try my best. Hope you will enjoy the chapter.

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