Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The Name Game

"There so perfect". I say holding my precious little princess in my arms as she wraps her little hand around my finger.

"I know". Cameron says with tears in his eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but what are you going to name them". The nurse says walking towards the bed.

"We have a few names but we still need to discuss a bit".

"Ok take your time. Ill check up on you in fifteen minutes".

Cameron hands me the boy as I look at them.

"What do you wanna name them".

"I don't know whatever you like I'll love". He says giving me a kiss.

"I know a name".

"Let me guess Kyle Brendan".

"Yes it suits him perfectly ain't that right Kyle".

"He's perfect Holly".

"yea i know.Say hello to your little son Kyle Brendan Smith". I say handing him back to Cameron.

"Hi Kyle". He says giving him a hug. " and what about the girl".

"Hum. I don't know".

"Me either but it needs to be something unique almost like savannah. I don't know something".

"Ok. Defiantly not savannah it sounds like a dessert. So not Alexia, but her middle name is Noel".

"Why not her first name be Noel it's unique and beautiful just like her".

"I like that name, and for a middle name".

"I remember on our list we had Addison, Sophia, Kylie and holly".

"Cam that wasn't on the list"

"But listen to it Noel Holly Smith it suits her".

"Are you sure".

"Yes positive".

"Cam I don't know".

"Please I want too, for you".

"Well then Kyle's should be Kyle Cameron Smith because I'd wanna do that for you".

"No it shouldn't you don't need to anything for me".

"But why not".

"Because I have all I need right here. My beautiful wife and my two adorable kids".

"And I have you". I say giving him a hug " here is Noel Holly Smith and Kyle Cameron Smith".

"No Kyle Brendan Smith".

"Why not".

"Because he's perfect just the way he is".

"Ok then say hello to Kyle Brendan Smith and Noel Holly Smith". I say handing him Noel as I cuddle with Kyle.

I see Cameron's face turn from happy to shocked.

"Cam What's wrong".

"Noel". Is all he can mumble out before placing her in my hands as he comes running back with a nurse.

She grabs Noel out of my hands and places her onto a cart wheeling her out of the room.

"Cameron bursts into tears as he sinks down ingot he chair"

"Cam what's wrong". I say with tears welling in my eyes.

"Noel. She stopped breathing".

Who knew that two simple words could change your life forever.

"What". I say pulling my legs out from under the blanket. " I need to see her". I say with tears streaming down my face.

"Holly you can't". He says whipping tears from his eyes.

"Get me a wheelchair. It's about her right now not me".

"Ok" he says running out of the room coming back with a wheelchair. "Hop in".

"Thanks". I say wrapping Kyle's blanket tighter around his tiny body.

Cam is pushing me threw the halls until we find the nurse who took her away.

"What's wrong with her". I stammer out.

"Her lungs were not fully developed".

"Well what about Kyle's".

"His are fine. He was the lucky one. Noel on the other hand, who knows".

I burst into tears as Cameron give me a hug. " it's ok she's strong just remember that".

"Can we see her".

"Sure, follow me".

There is my precious angel all covered in wires with a little mask over her face helping her breathe. At the sight my heart drops as I collapse on the ground just as my whole world seemed to be perfect it is collapsing all around me.

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