Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Guess What

I hang up the phone and walk back to the table.

"who was that".

"oh it was just my mom telling me she is coming at two thirty so that means we have four hours until they come".

"well we better get ready".

"yea, Cam I'm going to take a shower now".

"ok sounds good".

I walk up the stairs and I hop in the shower. I am so happy that I haven't got any morning sickness except for that once.

I finish in the shower and I blow-dry my hair and straighten it. I put on some foundation and a smokey color eyeshadow.

"there all ready for today".

I am wearing a fancy purple shirt and some dark shorts. I walk downstairs and I see Cameron in the fridge.

"Cameron what are you doing".

"seeing what type of food we have for tonight".

"oh yea not much".


"well I guess I could go to the store and get a steak or chicken. What would you rather have".

"umm get the chicken I think both our parents will like that".

"ok then I'm going to the store".

I hop in the car and head to the supermarket. I decide to get some potatoes and gravy to go with the chicken breasts.

When I am standing in line to check out I have a major chocolate craving so I buy a aero bar for me and a Kit-Kat for Cameron.

I checkout and push the cart to the car. I stand there thinking for a minute about the baby. I can just imagine my self looking like a whale.

I drive home listening to Katy Perry's Part Of Me and One Direction. When I pull up to the driveway cameron comes running outside to help me with the groceries.


"yea no problem honey".

I look at the time on the stove and it already says one fifteen.

"Cameron did you call your parents and tell them the can come at two thirty".

"yea I did and they are coming then",

"ok when should I start to make supper".

"around four thirty".


Cameron and I sit on the couch discussing about when we are going to tell them and how.

We figured out we are going to tell them during supper.

Knock Knock Knock

I get up and walk to the door. I open the door and I see Cameron parents.

"hello Holly how are you".

I give them a hug and say "I'm good how are you".

"we are great".

Cameron comes and gives his parents and hug as we walk and go sit on the couch. Straight as I sit down my parents are knocking at the door.

I answer the door and say.

"hi mom how are you'.

"Holly hi oh my gosh how are you and Cameron ".

"we're great mom how are you guys".

"wonderful we are just so happy we get to see our little girl and her husband".

"Cameron's parents are here too".

"oh that's great".

We walk inside and we all sit on the couch. I sit beside Cameron and his mom.

"So how are you two doing".

"Cameron and I are doing great how are you guys".

"that's good and we are doing great".

"I'm going to start to make supper now". I say as I get up.

My mom is talking to Cameron's mom and Cameron is talking to my dad and his.

I go into the fridge and grab the steak. Cameron takes it from my hands and says "here let me take that from you".


"no problem honey".

I start to peel the potatoes dropping them in the pot one by one. I finish peeling over twenty potatoes and put them on the stove.

I go and sit back down with both of our families and talk about random things like cars, vacations and more.

Finally Cameron finishes making the steak and I finish the potatoes. Cameron mashes the potatoes and cuts the steak.

I grab some plates from the cabinet and forks and knives. I set the table as all of our families come and sit down.

Cameron hands out the steak and I pass around the potatoes. Finally when everyone is sitting down its time to tell them.

I look at Cameron and he knows exactly what I am doing.

"Cameron and I have a announcement to make" .

"that is why we invited all of you guys over for dinner tonight".

I take in a deep breath and say

"we are having a baby".

All of their faces filled with shock.

"your What"!

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