Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Yes I Will

"how far into it are you".

"today was the ten week mark".

"oh thirty weeks and you will have a baby".

"yea I can't wait".

"awww I am so happy for you".

"thanks. I have a question to ask you".

"what. Anything".

"will you be my babies Godmother".


"be my babies Godmother".

"Yes of coarse I will. I would love to but why me".

"because Cameron and I both trust you and you have always been there for me".

"thank you so much".

"no problem I knew that you would say yes".

"why wouldn't I. Now I can't stop smiling"

"I got to go now, Cameron is probably waiting for me".

"ok, keep my Godchild safe".

"I will bye".


I walk out of the house as happy as I could be! I drive home and notice that the truck is gone and everything is inside.

I open the door and I see Cameron, my brother, Cameron's brother and are dads asleep on the couch.

I can hear Mine and Cameron's mom talking in the babies room. I walk inside and they are sitting down trying to plan out the room.

"Hey what are you guys up to".

"Oh nothing just planning out the room".

"Thanks for helping out today".

"No problem we were really excited for you and the baby".

"What colours do you guys wanna paint the room". Asks Cameron's mom.

"Ummm, before we were thinking bright green on three of the walls and yellow on the other but now we we're thinking that we would paint a light yellow on two walls and a mint green on the other two".

"Those are great colors. They will look great".

"thanks we are starting to paint tomorrow".

"well maybe dad can come and help".

"I think we will be just fine".

"ok just thought I would ask".

"thanks anyways".

"no problem".

I walk out of the room and I see that Cameron and our dads are still asleep. I decide to sit down on the love seat. I close my eyes and remember the happiest day of my life.

"Cameron do you take Holly to be your wedded wife".

"I do".

"Holly do you take Cameron to be your wedded husband".

"I do".

"You may now kiss the bride".

Cameron and I kiss and everyone cheers.

"I would now like to welcome Mr. And Mrs. Smith".

We walk down the aisle hand in hand. I can't wipe the smile of my face. Cameron and I hop in a limo that will drive us to the Reception hall.

"Now we are officially married".

"yea its hard to believe that four years ago we were dating".

"I love you".

"I love you too Holly".

"Holly Holly hello".


"Holly are you ok".

I snap out of the dream and I am laying down on the floor and everyone is around me.

"what happened".

"you sat on the couch and then we herd a thump and you were laying down on the floor".

"so then did I pass out".


"so then what happened".

"you just were laying there and I got up because i herd the thump and called your mom over.".


I start to get up and my dad and Cameron helps me up.

"Cameron could have the baby done that". I ask.

"sorry Holly I don't know".

I get up and sit back down on the couch.

"well that's a great way to embarrass myself".

"it's not really embarrassing".

"yea it totally is".

"whatever you say honey".

I see my mom sitting in the front room on the phone. I get up and walk towards her as she sees me and says "I got to go now, thank you for everything".

"who was that mom".

"oh I just phoned your doctor to see if fainting was normal".

"and was it".

"yes and no".

"what do you mean by that".

"it's normal to faint when you are pregnant but since you are only 10 weeks it is a little abnormal".

"so then what".

"you will need to go to the doctor for a check up in two days".

"oh fun".

"well you gotta keep the baby safe".

"I know mom. I'll go. But only for the baby".

"good since Cameron is working I could take you if you want".

"sure I'd like that".

"well we are going to go now see you soon. Love you baby girl".

"I love you too mom".

I give her a hug and in five minutes everyone is finally gone.

"so how was the surprise". Cameron asks.

"I hated it". I say.

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