Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Double Trouble

"uh-oh. What uh-oh". I say trying to stay calm.

"Holly it's ok she is a professional she knows what she is doing".

I take in a deep breath.

"well Holly it's seems that your having twins".

"WHAT!". I yell getting up into a sitting position.

"yay I am a Godmother of two kids".

"and-and I am going to be a mom of two kids... At once".

"Holly it is perfectly safe for both you and the babies". Says dr.Hall with a smile.

"yea I know but at first I was worried about having to be ready for one kid now I have to worry even more about two. My life is going to change so much".

"yea Hol but it will change for the better".

"yea but now I need to buy two of everything. That's like another three thousand dollars".

"yea I'll help pay for somethings. I am the godmother so I will pitch in three hundred dollars".

"Paige you don't have too".

"I know but I want too".

"thank you so much".

She walks up to me and gives me a huge hug.

"do you wanna know the sex or still keep it a surprise".

"a surprise please".


"umm can I get like a picture of the ultrasound to show my husband".

"yea let me print it and go and get it. I will be back in about three minutes".

She walks out of the room and I lay back down on the bed.

"Holly are you ok".

"yea sure I am. I mean I am really happy to have two kids but I didn't even think I was ready for one... But two that's a whole different story".

"but look at it on this side, Cameron can have his boy Kyle and you can have your little girl".

"yea I guess so".

"what do you guys wanna name them if one is girl".

"I would like to name her Sophia Kaylee Smith".

"that's so pretty Holly".

"Cameron really wants a boy and he has even chose a name for him".

"what is it".

"Kyle Braden Smith".

"aww I love that too".

I look at the picture on the screens and hope I get my little Sophia and Kyle.

"ok so here is your ultrasound picture".

"thank you so much".

"yea no problem".

"umm I have a question".

"sure i'd love to answer it".

"is there a chance that they will be identical".

"yes there is, but looking at them it looks like they are not going to be identical".

"ok thanks".

"this is going to be baby A and this one will be baby B".

"ok. That sounds cool".

She hands me the photo and labels the babies A and B.

"thank you so much".

"no problem Holly I will see you around the twenty week mark".

"yea. I will see you then too".

We walk out of the room an do head to the lady working at the front desk.


"hello can I help you".

"umm yes I would like to book my next appointment".

"sure when would you like it".

"um June 28 please".

"sure what time we have nine, nine thirty, ten, and two open".

"I will come at ten if that's ok".

"yea that sounds good we will see you then".

"ok thank you, bye".

"have a good day Holly".

"you too".

We walk out of the office and I slump into the car.

"two kids... Holy crap".

"how do you think can will take it Hol".

"he will probably be super happy".

"and your mom".

"I have no fricken clue how she will take it".

"yea if I was having twins my mom wouldn't be to happy".

"I guess we will go to the hospital. You wanna come".

"yea sure".

"ok let's go".

I pull out of the parking lot and head down the highway.

"so when will you tell Cameron".

"I don't know. Paige can you call Cam and tell him to meet us at the hospital when he is done work".

"yea sure".

I Start to play with the radio until I find a station I actually like.

"ok bye. He said he is leaving now and he will meet us there",

"ok thanks".

"yea no problem. So how is your dad doing".

"well the doctors said his surgery went well but most likely he will be to have chemo".

"that sucks".

"yea it does he should be awake when we get there so I can tell him the news".

"that good do you think he will be happy".

"yea I think and hope so".

Finally we pull up at the hospital and we walk inside and head into the elevator and press the floor 3 button.


The doors open and I see my mom and Cameron sitting on the chairs.

"holly how was your appointment. Is our baby ok".

"yea our two babies are just fine".

"Wait two babies. We're having twins".

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