Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Narrow It Down

I was driving to go baby shopping when I got into a accident and I got knocked out. Cameron came and I was laying on the ground. I woke up and I remembered yelling "the baby the baby". They rush me to the hospital and it turns out that the baby has died.

I totally flipped out. It was all of my fault. I killed the baby. I murdered a little kid. I was going insane and Cameron hated me and left me all alone to struggle with everything in life.

I wake up and my heart is pounding. Holy Crap That was the worst dream ever. I look at the clock and It says 3:53. I just lay there trying to relax myself. I guess I must have fell back asleep and I woke up to Cameron's loud snoring.

I shake Cameron and say "wake up sleeping beauty".

"huh, what time is it".

"ten o'clock".

"oh well I guess it's time to get up".

"yea. Guess what".


"I have been pregnant for ten weeks just about 30 more weeks and We will be carrying my little bundle of joy".

"really all ready. I guess we should go Paint shopping".

"why paint shopping".

"so I can start to paint the babies room and put all of the furniture in there".

"what do you mean by all the furniture".

"follow me".

he closes my eyes and leads me outside.

"where are we going Cam".

"ok open".

"Holy Crap no way no way".

"yes way".

I ran and see my father, my bother and Cameron's brother unpacking all of the furniture from the huge truck.

"thank you so much cam". I say running and jumping into his arm.

"I love you".

"I love you to and I love the baby".

"same here".

Cameron goes and helps out with the furniture. I see my moms car parking down the street and I see her walk out.

I run up to her and say "did you know about this".

"yea it was all Cameron's idea".

"that's so sweet but how did he afford all of this".

"everyone chipped in one hundred dollars".

"oh my gosh thank you guys so much I love you".

I sit down on the steps with my mom as we watch everyone bring everything inside.

"so are you getting excited".

"yea I can't wait till it comes".

"have you had any morning sickness yet".

"yea only twice though, but I know I will have more".

"yea same here".

"Cameron wants a boy. When we were discussing names yesterday he was so excited".

"that's good what names do you like".

"well I put a few names together like Kyle Braden Smith, Brendan Lucas Smith for boys and Alexia Noel Smith, Ashlyn Hailey Smith and Callee Addison Smith for girls".

"those are all beautiful names".

"thanks which ones do you like the best".

"I like Kyle Braden Smith for a boy and Alexia Noel Smith for a girl".

"those are my favorites to. Cameron likes Kyle Braden Smith for a boy and Ashlyn Hailey Smith for a girl".

"oh so you both like Kyle for a boy and you both like different names for a girl".

"Yea I think Kyle is going to be the boys name, but for the girls I have no idea".

"well you will cross that bridge when you come to it".

"yea I hope that's is soon".

"same here I wanna meet my little grandchild".

"I wanna meet my son or daughter".

"Holly have you phoned Paige yet".

"no when did she get back".

"today you should go and see her. Tell her the exciting news".

"yea I will head over there now. Can you tell Cameron I will be home around four thirty".

"yea I will tell him have fun and say hi to Andrea for me".

"sure and I will".

I run down the driveway and hop in my car. Paige has been my best friend since grade one. She has always been there for me and I was always there for her.

Finally I pull up at her house. I am so excited so I run up to the door and ring the door bell. I stand there waiting until finally Andrea (Paige's mom). Answers the door.

"hello Holly. oh my I haven't seen you in a while well since the wedding. How are you".

"I am great how are you".


"is Paige home".

"yea. Paige someone is here for you".

"ok mom I'm coming".

I hear Paige running down the stairs. When she makes it to the bottom she stops.

"holly is that you".

yea I walk up to her and give her a huge hug.

"how are you".

"I am perfect now that my best friend Is here".

"and I am so happy because I get to see my best friend too".

"yay I am so happy".

"I need to tell you guys something".

"yea what. Did you and Cameron break-up".

"no no no its good news".

"what is it tell us already". Andrea says.

"I am pregnant".


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