Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Welcome To The World

My waters broke about ten minutes ago. the doctors cleaned me up and placed me on a wheel chair and begin to transport me to the delivery room. Cameron is walking beside me holding my hand. The contractions are only a couple minutes apart and getting worse.

We make it to the room as they place me on the bed.

"The nurse will be with you in a minute. Oh and congrats".

"Thanks". We both say as he walks out of the room.

"Cameron". I say as another contraction starts. "I can't wait to see them".

"Me either". He says giving my hand a little squeeze.

A young cheerful doctor walks in " hi I'm Dr.Jersey" she says giving us a smile.


"So are you excited". she asks me as she measures my belly.

"Yea I am".

"Your five centimetres dilated. You have to get to ten so it might take a little while. Ill be back to check on you in ten".


"Cam did you call your parents".

"Yes. They can't make it out here but if we are here for a little while they'll come see us. They wanna be here but... You know".

"Yea". I say groaning as another contraction starts.

"You ok". He says grabbing my hand.

"Yea I'm good just another contraction".

It's been a good twenty minutes of contractions before the doctor comes back.

"Sorry I took so long".

"It's fine".

"Ok let's see. Still at five centimetres".

"Ugh. This is taking forever".

"At least it's not a whole day of this. You'll be there soon".


The contractions are getting closer and closer and stronger too.

"Cam. What are we naming them".

"Whatever you want".

"Let me guess you didn't bring the list".

"No, I forgot it. I never knew that this would happen". He says laughing

"me either".


Two hours later I am only a centimetre away.

"Ugh". I groan as another contraction starts.

"Holly don't worry your almost there". Cameron says giving me a peck on the check.

"I just thought about this but how will we get the babies home".

"Oh my god. I forgot about that too".

"They'd be probably to young to go on the plane".


"Ok let's see if we're there yet". She says walking in again pulling out the measuring tape and placing it on my belly. " guess what were there".

"Yes finally". I say as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Let me grab some gloves and you can start pushing". She walks out into the hall and calls two more nurses over.

They all grab gloves as they position my legs. " ok holly on the next contraction start pushing ok".


The next contraction starts as I begin pushing.

"Great. Keep it up". She says trying to reassure me.

I'm squeezing Cameron's hand so hard that it is white.

"Almost there one more push".

I push again as I hear a cry as the nurse grabs the baby.

"It's a girl". She announces as she cuts the cord.

Cameron gives me a kiss and whispers in my ear "I want a boy next".

I laugh as the doctor start cleaning her.

"Ok one more to go".


"Next contraction. Ok".


The next contraction comes as I begin pushing. "One more push holly". I push as she grabs the baby.

"It's a boy".

I hear Cameron whisper " yes" as a tear rolls down his face.

"Would the daddy like to cut his cord". She asks handing Cameron the scissors.

"Sure". He grabs the scissors and cuts the cord and they start to clean him up.

"I'm so proud of you" he says giving me a kiss on the lips.

"I'm proud of myself too". I says as we start laughing.

"Here are your kids there beautiful". She says handing me the girl and Tyler the boy.

It seems that this has been the best vacation ever.

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