Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"yo-you-your what".


"oh holly I'm so happy for you".

"thank-you Mrs.Smith".

"no problem I'm so happy to meet my grandchild".

She gets up and gives Cameron and I huge hug.

"Mom are you ok".

"yea I'm just a little bit surprised, but in a good way".

"thanks mom and dad".

Cameron is off talking with my father and his. While I'm here talking to my mom and Cameron's about the baby and that type of stuff.

"so what are you guys hoping for a boy or girl".

"well I think Cameron really wants a boy but I don't exactly know what I want".

"well as long as their healthy then it doesn't really matter".

I sit down on the couch when all of the sudden I feel sick.

"holly honey are you ok".

"yea jut a bit of a stomach ache".

"oh well if it gets worse we can leave".

"no you guys don't have too, I am fine".

"how far are you into the pregnancy".

Asked Cameron's mom.

"I am about 9 weeks".

"oh really already".

"yea but do far it has been pretty good I didn't even know about it".

"yea that's how the first few weeks are".

We are talking for about four hours until I yawn. Cameron's mom notices and says "I think we should go home now".

"yea we are going to go home now too".

"ok well thank you guys for visiting Holly and I".

"no problem Cam".

They all come and give us a huge hug and say congratulations.

"thank you so much for the support".

"no problem keep us updated ok honey".

"yea no problem I will update both of you guys".

"ok good bye guys".

Finally when the all leave Cameron and I put all of the dishes away and go upstairs.

I get dressed and lay in bed with cameron.

"Cam can I ask you something".

"yea anything baby".

"what do you wanna name the baby".

"your only nine months into pregnancy and you already wanna choose names".

"no I wanna discuss names".

"well if it's a boy I would name him Brendan. But if it was a girl I would call her Samantha".

"ewww why Samantha I hate that name, but I absolutely love the name Brendan that is on the maybe list".

"There is a baby list".

"yea and why did you choose Samantha people would call her Sam".

"because it was the first name that came to mind. What would you name then".

"if it is a girl It would depend if she is born in December I would name her Noel but if it was after December I would name her Addison".

"what about a boy".

"ummm I don't really know but I really like the name Brendan but I also like the name Jackson or Nicholas Nick for short".

"I like those names too".

I yawn and Cameron says "how about we think about this tomorrow because you are really tired".

"ok goodnight love you".

"I love you too" he says giving me a kiss.

I guess I was so tired that I feel asleep instantly.

I wake up with a major head ache and a sore stomach. Then all of the sudden I feel like I am going to puke.

I get up and run to the bathroom. Cameron was still in bed so he woke up and came running after me.

"Holly are you ok".

"no I jinxed the morning sickness yesterday".

"yea I guess so".

I sit on the bathroom floor until finally I feel a lot better. I get up and grab a Advil for the pain and plop it into my mouth.

I walk downstairs and I get up to fast so now I am dizzy. I stable myself and walk towards the couch.

I sit down and I look at the phone. It says missed call from Jen. I dile her number and it rings she answers but all I can hear is crying.

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