Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I Love You Too

"Jackson why are you hear".

"Jen I love you and I made a huge mistake I had to many drinks and I- I am sorry".

I see tears welling up in Jens eyes as I walk away and let's them talk in private.

"Jackson how can I trust you after that". I hear Jen say.

"Because I love you and I have a surprise for you".

"what is it Jackson".

"open this up".

Jackson hand Jen a envelope and I hear her let out a loud high-pitched scream.

"oh my God no way Jackson".

"Yes way we are leaving in two weeks".

I walk in to see Jen kissing Jackson.

"Holly guess what".


"we are going to Paris".

"Oh my God no-way".

"yes way".

"so you guys are back together I'm guessing".

"yes. I could never stay mad at him forever".

"that's good I am so happy for you guys".

"thanks Holly you really helped me alot".

"no problem that's what little sisters are for".

"I give Jen a big hug as she calls her kids over.

"kids say goodbye to Auntie Holly and say thank you for letting us stay here".

They come running up to me and say "thank-you Auntie Holly we love you".

"I love you guys too".

They give Cameron a hug to before they are off. Jen gives me a huge hug and says "thank you for everything you've done for me I love you".

"I love you to Jen and you are always welcome here ok".

"yes I know and thanks again".

"no problem. Have fun in Paris".

"I totally will and I will call you before then, bye".

"bye". I say as I close the door behind me.

"finally all of this chaos is over with".

"I had fun with the little kids. But we had to watch Dora and Diego I hate that show trying to teach me Spanish or something".

"well when we have our kid they will be obsessed with that stuff".

"I hope not, they will drill all of those fricken spanish theme songs into my head".

"I know right. We will just have to get use to it".

"yea I know but if it's a boy he will hate dora".

"Cameron if it's a girl she will love dora".

"I know but it is going to be a boy".

"what ever you say Mr. Know it all".

We both burst into laughter.

"don't make me laugh it hurts my stomach and the baby".

"sorry I will never make you laugh again".

"good luck with that".

I walk into the kitchen and look what we have to eat.

"I'm craving chicken noodle soup".

"sounds good with me".

I am so exhausted after that so I decide to make mr.noodle. I boil some water and put two packets of noodles into separate bowls. I add the water and flavor and finally I am done.

I grab the bowls and head to the table.

Cameron is already sitting there with a price of paper and pen.

"what's the paper for".

"baby names you said you wanted to discuss them".

"cameron I love you. You actually remembered".

"why wouldn't I. I need to think of names for my little boy".


"my little kid".

"that's better".

I sit down and hand Cameron his soup.

"ok first for boys names. The ones that I say maybe to write them down ok?"

"sounds good. You go first".

"umm well I like the names Brendan, Lucas, Joshua, Nicholas, Noah, Braden, Ethan, Caullen, Kyle and Brett".


"do you like them. Yea I like them all".

"ok now it's your turn".

"ok well I like the names Brendan, Kyle, Lucas, Tanner, Matthew, Eric and Alexander".

"I like all of them too!"

"ok now what about girls names".

"Cameron your going first".

"fine. I like Samantha, Rebecca, Alexia, Alecia, Kaylee, Jordan, Sophie or Sophia.

"I like all of them but I love Alexia, Kaylee and Sophia".

"ok it's you turn now. I expect a long list from you am I right".

"yea kind of and I like Noel, Addison, Kaylee, Sophia, Alexia, Callee, Lily, Ashlyn, Abigail, Christine, Zoey, Allee and Hailey.

"ok that sounds good".

"how many names do we have".

"twenty girl names and seventeen boys names".

"ok that's pretty good for right now".


Cameron grabs the dishes and puts them into the dishwasher.

"I am so exhausted from dealing with Jen today".

"same here those little kids were attacking me".

"let's go to bed then".

"sounds good".

I walk upstairs and get ready for bed. I lay down and drift off to sleep.

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