Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Not What I Expected

"you what!" he yells.

"I hated it because I didn't get to help you guys and I really wanted to. I felt like a big fat whale unable to do anything just sitting there making you guys have to do all of the work for me".

"Holly your pregnant we don't want you to hurt yourself or the baby".

"I know but still I feel feeble".

"well I am sorry you couldn't help but I have something for you to do all by yourself tomorrow with no help".

"really what?"

"I can't tell you because then it wouldn't be a surprise".

"you know I hate surprises and you probably just want me to do some work for you".

"no it is something for you to do for the baby and I know you hate surprises but it is fun watching you flip out and go all crazy".

"thanks that makes me feel a lot better".

"your welcome".

"you do know that I was being sarcastic. right".

"yea I did I was just playing along".

"sure you were". I say as I get up and walk upstairs.

"Cam I am going to bed now".

"sure whatever I'll be up soon".

I lay down and I fall asleep.


"what the hell". I hear Cameron yelling.

I am vaguely up and all I remember is Cameron grabbing me and running outside.

"Cam what's happening".

"the smoke alarm is going off".


"I don't know I called 9-1-1 and we just have to wait out here just being safe".

"well there is no smoke".

"maybe. I don't know for sure I heard it go off and I ran upstairs to grab you. I don't think it has stopped yet".

"you were already up".


"could it be a malfunction".

"maybe thats what I think".

"oh well thanks".

"yea no problem".


"I guess there here". Cameron says helping me up.

They pull up to the house and hop out. Everyone is now out of their houses and looking at what is happening.

I whisper to Cameron "everyone is looking at us".

"I know who cares".


"Hello I am Drake".

"hello I am Cameron and this is my wife Holly".

He walks right inside and doesn't come out.

"Cam is he ok in there".

"yea he knows what he is doing".

We sit down for five minutes and finally we see him come out.

"so what's wrong with the house".

"well it seems that your CO detector has gone off so we are going to call in some specialists so you will need to find somewhere to stay for the night".

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