2. Memory Lane

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 It's been two weeks since I've talked to Eddy, and today I wake up far too early in the morning with a brilliant idea. I'm going to recreate our first date. A movie night on the roof of her house, right outside her bedroom window. With fluffy blankets and mike & ikes and snickers and salt and vinegar chips. We're gonna watch Anastasia on my computer and we're going to make up for the fight we had.

I remember the first time we did this, her and I were both fifteen and she had just gotten out of the hospital. I had called her brother Hanson, who was fourteen at the time, and he said that she really wanted some company. And of course, I was all too eager to oblige.

I climbed on her roof, my dance bag slung over my shoulder, digging into my collarbone. The LED lights in her room were a bright purple, casting the rooftop in an odd shadow.

My hands trembled the slightest bit as I knocked lightly on her window, the music that was building from the inside of her room coming to a terrifyingly quick halt.

There was a long pause before she approached the window, a small pair of scissors held tightly in her grip.

When her eyes met mine however, the terror fell away, slipping into a look of pure joy I've never seen on her face.

"Simon!" She exclaimed, opening the window with the biggest grin stretched across her mouth. "What are you doing here?"

"Your brother said you needed some company," I gestured to the setup I had put together, with all the candy in separate bowls and the string lights turned on the setting that made them flicker like candles. "So... here we are."

I watched her carefully as she took in the setup I had spent the last ten minutes quietly putting together, and even longer planning.

"Simon," She breathed, sliding over the edge of the windowsill to join me on the rooftop. "This is... incredible. I can't believe you did this for me."

I grinned, handing her a blanket and a pillow. "Well, m'lady, we shall begin!"

Here I was again, packing up the salt and vinegar chips and the mike & ikes and snickers, downloading Anastasia onto my computer. I had to get ready for school, but this was far more important.


As my teacher drones on about some sort of stupid chemical compound, my thoughts are so far elsewhere I might as well be in a different room.

I wonder what she's gonna say when I show up tonight. I hope she'll forgive me, but if not, I won't leave until she lets me talk and explain. She always has been one for my persistence.

Once the last bell rings, I'm the first out of my seat and out of the classroom, rushing into the hall.

"Simon, hey, wait up!" Someone shouts after me, footsteps rushing down the already crowded hallway.

My best friend Caleb wraps his arms roughly around my shoulders, jumping up on my back. "Hey man!" He flips his agile frame around so he can look at me face to face. "How are you doing?"

"Great!" I reply, "I'm going over to Eddy's tonight to surprise her with a movie night!"

The smile drops from his face, his forehead creasing, and with it my stomach drops. "Simon... you know-"

"WILLIAMS!" A booming voice exclaims from behind me as big strong arms grab my shoulders. I turn to see one of my track members, James Franklin, grinning widely down at me. We have run track together for as long as I can remember. We've never been good friends, but we're still friends I guess.

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