19. Leave The Light On.

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"Hey, prince charming," Jolie hums as I walk into her room after school, "Took you long enough."

"Got caught up at rehearsal," I reply, dropping my backpack on the carpeted floor of her bedroom and pulling out a bag of homemade cookies my mom sent along with the rest of her homework from today.

"How did you know these were my favorites?" She laughs, taking the plastic bag from me and popping one of the treats into her mouth.

I can't help but grin at the light in her eyes as she savors the sweetness. My mom is known for her baking skills, but rarely do I see anyone get as excited as Jolie does.

"Just guessed." I laugh as she bites into another one, savoring the taste like she's been starved for days.

Since last night when they discharged Jolie from the hospital, I promised her parents that I would take care of her. Despite there being so many people in the house, they're all so busy no one had time to make sure that someone could keep an eye on her, so I told them I would. They said she might be bedridden for a few days, just until she gets her strength back, so I'm just here to make sure nothing bad happens to her while there's no one here.

It's been almost reminding me of when I used to sit with Eddy when she was in the hospital. On days she would get infections and would be too sick to leave, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks.

"Thank you," She smiles at me as I plop down on the bed next to her.

"My honor." I toss her homework from today onto a pile where the rest of her week's assignments sit.

"Hey," I grip her frigid hand in mine, taking in the pile of unfinished work and dirty dishes that seem so out of place it almost catches me off guard, "Jolie, are you okay?"

"Yeah," She answers quickly as she pulls my script from my bag and leaves through it idly. "Of course I am, why do you ask?"

I shrug, blowing a stray hair out of her face. "I don't know, you just never leave your homework unfinished."

Now it's her turn to shrug as she falls back onto her pillow. "I don't know, Simon. I've just been really tired since I got home, that's all."

But even now looking at her, she looks sicker than when we brought her home yesterday. Her usual perfect hair is hustled into a hazardous messy bun, and her skin is so pale against the dark circles ringing her eyes.

"Hey," I mumble, scooting closer to her on the mattress until I'm close enough to wrap my arms around her waist. But her muscles are tight, and it takes a few moments before she lets herself relax, her head falling to my shoulder.

We sit there in silence for a moment, my hand twisting her brown locks, her warm breath against my neck.

Every moment I spend with her, the more I want to spend with her. She's been there for me every second I needed her without even knowing I needed her. After being alone for so long, it feels like a breath of fresh air to have someone actually care about my wellbeing. I feel as if I could live here with her forever and never get tired of being in her presence.

It's nice to have someone be there for you, even if you're always doubting them, they don't leave.

"Simon," Her voice is almost as tight as her muscles under my hands as she speaks, "Simon, something is wrong."

Her breath is hot against my neck and as I pull away she tries to say something, but her words are lost in the slur as she falls against me.

"Jolie?" I cup her face in my hand, her skin almost scalding. Her chest is heaving for breath, her muscles so tight. "Hey, hey, where'd you go?"

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