[8] Tell Them You Wont Be Long

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This chapter may be a little complicated because it goes back and forth between two areas (like count the ways. I'll call the 'areas' A [afterlife] and Y [you & those who you know] for convenience), especially since there is going to be a variety of povs included.


| Date : May · 21 · 76 - 1:22 PM | Nobody's Pov :

Andrew stood over the crib in the twins' room. Gabriel and Cassidy were playing with their toys. It pained him to know he couldn't play with them. He knew the way around his house very well, it was just hard to navigate now that he was blind. If anything, he wished that monster hadn't stabbed him in the eyes, so he could see his baby cousins.

Andrew's aunts and uncles lived with him and his parents, which meant they brought their children along too since Andrew's house was very huge. Even if  Andrew couldn't see Gabe and Cass, he could still tell they were playing something. Probably that police game, they played it all the time. He still remembered Cass wanted to be a police, always wanted to protect everyone, whether she knew them or not. Gabe was just sneaky.

Andrew never understood those types of games where you play as something, like a dad, or a cop for instance. He always preferred to be alone, but would sometimes play with his cousins, since he was an only child. Now, he didn't want to be alone. But he didn't want Cass or Gabe to be scared to death if they saw him with no eyes. Just 11 more hours and he has to go back.. But he'll know he will see them again.


| Time : 2:37 PM | Michael's Pov:

Father's been acting strange this week.. I don't know why. Maybe because of Fetch. I heard he went missing. I'm surprised Y/N even came to school today, we both loved Fetch a lot. Father didn't though, he never liked dogs. He used to rant to me about how his mother was a cat lady. I didn't care about that though, Y/N looks so sad. I don't like seeing them like that.

Daniel's back, but he's been silent when I'm around, maybe because I cut his hair that one time. I'm still proud of that. Jeremy didn't come to school today, but Taylor did. I told the both of them yesterday, so they gave me little handwritten letters to Y/N. I hope Fetch comes back.

I walked up to Y/N who was sitting on the seesaw alone. They looked up, hugging their knees. Their eyes looked puffy and red. 

"Tay and Jers' wanted me to give you these. We're sorry that Fetch went missing, I hope you'll find him soon. I have some candy floss, want some?" I asked, placing the letters next to Y/N and holding out the small bag of blue candy floss. They shook their head silently, looking back down. I left the bag next to them, giving a wave before I walked back to where I was. 

I gave them one last look before I sat down, seeing them with the candy floss bag open as they started to read the letters. At least they are doing alright. I went back inside the school as the other groups began to toss a ball. I'll do anything to find Fetch for Y/N, but I don't know where..


| Time : 4:58 PM | Nobody's Pov:

Fetch looked at the saferoom around him, where the murder happened last week. At least the remaining soul was looking around inside the animatronic. He was able to process the world in more colors than he wasn't alive, but he was still alone for now. The animatronic Fetch possessed always took him to where Andrew was so they could go back.

Fetch didn't understand that. Being connected to the same animatronic as a sentient human made him have his separate thoughts like a human. He knew Andrew was scared. He was too, but the hard parts were over with now.

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