[18] A Brother Of Your Own

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| Date : October · 13 · 80 | 1:35 PM | Y/N's Pov:

On the couch, I watched as Elizabeth changed the channels. I had to spend the night at the Aftons due to my mother having to be rushed to the hospital for the baby. Ever since I saw her leave last night, I've been focused on the fact I'm having a sibling.

I wanted to think it was a good thing, but was it? Mother drinks so much, no matter how many times me and Dad warned her, she convinced herself that it was only one drink. We struggled to keep her away from the third bottle after that. Barely anyone believes the fact my mother would do such a thing because 'she's a lady.'

"Y/N, you good?" Michael stepped in front of me, waving his hand in my face. "If your possessed, blink twice." Elizabeth told me, leaning closer. "Their eyes are still E/C." She said, grabbing the sides of my face. I reluctantly took them off, no matter how amusing it was. 

"I'm not possessed, Lizzy. I'm just.. Excited!" I leaped up, which gave Mike and Elizabeth a look of uncertainty. "I just don't know when they'll call. It's been a day already." I groaned, starting to pace around the floor. Evan tracked his eyes on my turns and pauses.

Elizabeth fixed her bow before walking to me. "Don't worry. Some people just don't give birth fast. Our mother had a little experience, I guess. I was born pretty fast. Evan too!" She cheered, hugging Evan tightly. "That's because you both are midgets." Michael taunted them while ruffling their hair.

"Hey! Get off you ass!" Elizabeth yelled, immediately covering her mouth. Evan let his mouth drop a little too, but Michael smirked at it. "Eli, you can't say that!" Evan yelped, practically shrinking. Michael rolled his eyes, but immediately turned to the phone ringing. I scurried to the phone, almost slipping, but Mike caught me in time.

I had to strain myself from letting my face turn red before he saw. He handed me the receiver, which I hastily pressed towards my ear. "Hello?" I said into the phone, waiting for a response. "Hello, is this Y/N L/N?" An old lady asked into the phone. I hummed in agreement. "This is the Heracles Hospital, your mother has given birth to your baby brother. She wants you to come to the hospital."

I flinched slightly. "Is it your mother?" Michael asked me, but I put my hand to his mouth. "Alright, I'm coming." I put the phone down, letting a weak smile creep up on me.  "He's born into the world!" I smiled, everyone looking at me. Evan let out a grin. 

Elizabeth however, started panicking. "Uh.. Okay, I'll get Daddy to drive us there, and we'll meet him!" She started to pace around, flapping her hands slightly. Soon, she started to hyperventilate. "Elizabeth! It'll be fine, just stay calm and go get Father." Michael stared at Elizabeth, who just nodded. 


| 1:49 PM | Y/N's Pov:

I hugged onto my sweater, shivering inside of William's car. We had just reached the hospital, and I was in his car. Alone.

Every time I see William, A shiver wants to crawl up my spine. Something about him always ticks me off. I opened the door once we got to the hospital, gazing at the Cerberus statue on the top. William walked me inside, looking at the clearly sick and who seemed to be healthy.

I was guided to the counter, looking at a receptionist. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asked, the usual sentence. Sometimes I think about if they're forced to say that. "May I see M/N L/N? Room 902." 

I tilted my head in conclusion. How does he know my mother's reserved hospital number? I brushed it off, as she might have just told him about it. "Ah, of course! Go ahead towards the right." She directed, which William continued to walk me over. 

Once we got there, we opened the door to see my mother holding the baby. My baby brother, with the shortest H/C locks. He had lime green eyes, and was observing everything in the room. Dad waved me over, giving me a Ritz cracker from his box. 

"You want one? The doctors are gonna come back shortly for the details." He said, which I nodded and ate it. That's when I got the idea. "Did you guys name him yet?" I asked, but he shook his head. "No. Why, you wanna name him?" 

I immediately nodded, looking at him. "I wanna name him Fritz." I picked him up, which he still stared. However, he weakly smiled at me. A doctor walked through the door, sighing. "Hello there, I just wanted to talk about the baby's conditions." He said, fixing his mask.

"Have you been drinking during your pregnancy, Mrs. L/N?" He asked, which Dad immediately agreed. Mother immediately opened her mouth, but closed it. She slowly nodded, which I rolled my eyes. "Well, the alcohol has caused.. Did you name him yet?" He looked at us, tapping his pen on the clipboard.

"His name is Fritz." I said, smiling. "Ah, well. Fritz has some complications with his hearing. There may or may not be more complications that will develop over time." He started to go on about how the alcohol affected him, how he was lucky the alcohol wasn't strong, and all other health related things.

Dad started to tap his foot on the floor hastily, becoming irritated. I guess the after effects of the drinking really ticked him off. "Alright, thank you doctor." He strained, immediately glaring at Mother. He left the room, closing the door.

"This is what happens when you drink during pregnancy, M/N. Fritz can barely hear." Dad hissed at her, which she rolled her eyes. "Be happy he didn't lose his hearing completely." She barked back, which I started to look around the room, Fritz still in my arms.

I immediately jumped at William in a dark corner of the room, his pale blue eyes shining in the fluorescent light. 

Was he there the whole time?

He blew a couple strands of his hair out of his face, stepping out of the corner. "I'll take Y/N to my house, they can stay there for a couple days. Just know I can't watch them all the time." He sighed, but I could tell by his face he seemed delighted. "And congratulations." He grinned, his slightly yellow teeth gleaming.

"Thank you so much, William. We owe you one." Dad said, which William took my hand to lead me outside. I felt uneasy, as if I was about to fall into darkness any moment.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*:..○ ○..:*Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

[A/N: Hey there mole rats, you have a fucking brother. and it's fucking Fritz. I really liked the idea of him having green eyes for some reason, despite him having no canon design whatsoever. Everything else is up to your interpretation, even if you wanna imagine him with a different eye color, that's your choice!!1! Also again, ty for 200+ reads pooks. Might draw something for yall. Mwah, dont forget to stay in the basement.]


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