15. Snow On The Beach.

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 "Okay, Simon," Dakota pushes me my textbook, the problems I need to do highlighted as she drums her fingers on the desk we're sitting at.

"Thanks Dakota," I flip my pencil between my fingers.

"Ah, Simon," She says, resting her hand on top of my book, "it was... It was nice to see you at callbacks. I know you haven't been doing theater in a while, and I... I know I'm not the only one who was glad to see you there. We all missed you,"

I smile weakly at this, her eyes telling me that her words are true.

I didn't think anyone would even notice I was gone.

I open my mouth to try to reply, but my phone buzzes on the table with a call from an unknown number and I pick it up before I have to reply.

"Hello, Simon Williams speaking,"

"Simon, the cast list is up!" The voice over the phone exclaims, Her voice practically screeching from excitement. "Come quickly! We're waiting for you!"

"Who is this, again?" I ask, pulling my textbook closed and into my backpack.

"Oh, sorry." She laughs, "it's Justice. You're with Dakota, right? Can you bring her with you?"

"Yes," I laugh, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I gesture to Dakota with my head, rushing out of the room.

"Come quick then" She says.

"Okay," I chuckle again.

The end goes silent, but I have one more question before she goes.

"Hey, Justice?"


"Did... Did Jolie get into the show?"

"Just come see for yourself."

But I can hear the smile in her voice, and I know in my gut that it's nothing but good news.


"Simon!" Jolie exclaims as she catches my eye across the hall, Dakota following right behind me. "We've been waiting for you!"
I grin at her, reaching to grab her outstretched hand as she leads me to the bulletin board where there is a list of names pinned up.

I didn't realize how fast my heart is beating until I think it could almost be beating out of my chest.


-Jo March: Jolie Morris

-Professor Bhaer: Sterling Foster

-Amy March: Brynleigh Ford

-Meg March: Justice Rivers

-Beth March: Dakota Wilson

-Marmee: Jamie Smith

-Mr. Laurence: Andrew Gregg

-Laurie Laurence: Simon Williams

-Aunt March: Sadie Winter

-John Brooks: Blake Reed

"We got in," She breathes, her voice almost inaudible over the roar of the crowd around us, students pushing to escape. "Simon. We got in!"

She squeals with excitement, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she wraps her arms around my neck.

My heart feels so full, it feels as though it might burst inside my rib cage. I did it, I can't believe I'm back.

I did it, Eddy. I did it.

I can barely contain the energy radiating through my body, and on a wild whim, I scoop Jolie up in my arms, spinning her around in a circle, letting her laughter fill the hallways over the chattering high schoolers.

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