Chapter 6

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Elise awoke with a start, blinking in confusion at the sunlight that bathed her bed. How could that be? The window was... Her thinking screeched to a halt as reality dawned and she recalled she wasn't in her old bedroom. This was Kane's room. Well, technically it was her bedroom too, but it would take a while before she felt any ownership of the space.

Surprisingly, she'd slept quite well in her new bed. Rolling onto her back, she stretched her arms and legs until they were fully extended, before releasing them and sinking back down in pleasant relaxation. Turning her head to the side, she noted that the other half of the bed was completely undisturbed.

Kane hadn't slept with her last night. Had he come home late and bedded down somewhere else so he wouldn't disturb her, or had he not come home at all? Possibly he and the other men were still out searching for the missing man. If that was the case, then something was seriously wrong.

Rolling out of bed, she hesitated for a moment trying to recall where she'd placed her clothing the previous day. A quick search of the drawers refreshed her memory and she soon found what she needed. Donning a pair of track pants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie, she combed her hair, pulling it back in a clip, and then scampered downstairs in search of someone who could update her on what had happened.

Helen was in the kitchen, preparing bacon and eggs. "Morning, Elise. How did you sleep?"

"Not bad. Is Kane back? Did they find the missing man?"

"Yes, they got in around three in the morning. Kane stayed with him at the infirmary, but sent John back home with the news. Thomas was shot. He lost a lot of blood, but he'll be okay."

"Shot?" Elise felt a chill run through her as memories of her own mother's death came rushing back. All too often, her vivid imagination recreated what must have happened; her mother in wolf form with her leg in a trap, poachers approaching as she frantically tried to free herself. Had her mother tried to transform to save herself, but been unable to due to her injury, or had she feared for the rest of the pack and remained an animal, sacrificing her life so that her family would not be discovered? Her mother would have been terrified; her heart pounding as she desperately called out to her mate for help.

Elise knew the story well. Her father had felt his mate's terror through the mental connection that all bonded pairs shared. He'd raced as fast as possible to her side, but it had been too late. The gun-shot that killed her mother, had echoed through the woods as he came charging up the small crest to where his mate lay dying. They'd never found the hunters; her father had stayed with his mate as she breathed her last, rather than giving chase...

A pan clattered on the stove, causing Elise to jump and bringing her out of her reverie. She smoothed her sweaty palms on her pant legs and banked down the fear that had been rising inside her. Helen had her back turned and was busily flipping the bacon, not noticing anything was amiss. "Yes, Thomas was shot—possibly seasonal hunters who wandered onto our property either not seeing the 'No Trespassing' signs or deciding to ignore them."

"So, what will Kane do about someone hunting on his land? Tell the sheriff?" Elise was pleased her voice was calm, not revealing the inner panic she'd been feeling mere moments earlier.

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