Chapter 8

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Sorry I missed posting a chapter yesterday - I was at a local Ribfest (yum!) and the time got away on me.   To make it up to you, I'm double posting today!   - Nicky

Once she was in the bedroom, Elise dropped the laundry on the bed and flopped down beside it, staring at the ceiling. It had been a foolish move on her part, refusing to tell Kane about the sports car, but at the same time, it was such a minor thing. She needed to show him that she wasn't a complete pushover before he took it into his head to walk all over her.

Taking a calming breath, she tried to figure her mate out. As she'd just witnessed, he was definitely in control and not one to put up with insubordination. He was strong, dominant, and cool; he hadn't raised his voice at all, but his message had been as clear as a bell. On the other hand, he hadn't forced her into submission either, giving in to her silent plea that he drop the matter. That must indicate he had some consideration for her and was willing to allow his pack members some autonomy.

Yesterday, as he'd shown her their suite of rooms, he'd actually been quite kind. He acknowledged that she was probably feeling homesick and unsettled. Even when they'd first mated, hadn't he tried to ease the situation for her? And the morning after, he'd seemed to understand that losing her dream of a relationship with Bryan was difficult. How had he put it? 'Sometimes our lives have moments of great disappointment. It's difficult at the time, but we have to move beyond.' Yes, Kane definitely had a more sensitive side.

Hmm... But then he'd talked about making their bonding work because it was their duty to the pack. She, of all people, knew that theirs was not a love match but still... Her young heart couldn't help but hope for some tender sentiments and affection from her mate. Of course, as Alpha, his first duty was to the pack. She knew that from her own father, and if she'd had any doubt on the matter, the fact that Kane had all but abandoned her on her first day in order to deal with pack business would have straightened out her thinking. Looking back on last night, she recalled how he'd left the supper table and stayed out all night, searching for Thomas. Yes, Kane really did seem to have his pack's best interests at heart. The pack was devoted to him too, though. She only had to look at how everyone had gathered to greet him yesterday afternoon when he'd arrived home.

Rolling over, she propped her chin on her hands. So Kane was strong and dominant, insightful and considerate, dedicated to his pack... What else did she know about him? A giggle escaped her as she considered the towels waiting to be put away. He was sexy as hell, liked showers and they really seemed to turn him on—in two and a half days, he'd already initiated sex in the shower twice! She grinned. Most certainly, he enjoyed mating with her as his actions just hours earlier had shown.

Oh, wait... Frowning, she reconsidered that point. Possibly, he enjoyed mating regardless of who it was with. There was nothing to indicate that he was particularly drawn only to her. To be sure, he'd warned Bryan off, but any male wolf would instinctively have done the same.

Feeling miffed, she sat up. Physically, she was drawn to him and it was only fair that he should feel the same way! Elise worried her lip as she considered the situation. She knew she wasn't beauty queen material but neither was she repulsive. Her skin was lightly tanned and clear. Her dark brown hair was long and shiny, complimenting her wide green eyes, and her figure wasn't bad. Kane obviously didn't find her unattractive, and he had some small liking for her, she was sure. He had sought her out and asked her to go see Thomas with him...

Yikes! She'd forgotten that she said she'd meet him in a few minutes. Jumping up, she quickly put away the laundry. Kane hadn't been overly pleased with her when she'd left. There was no point in trying his patience any further today by making him wait! Tossing her clothes in her bureau and the towels in the linen closet, she clattered down stairs in search of her mate.

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