Chapter 10

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Elise and the other ladies arrived at the house to discover that the men were planning a barbeque. The weather was unseasonably warm for this late in October and a final outdoor meal had been deemed just the thing. Potatoes were already on the grill baking and the steaks marinating. Helen immediately switched into her super-hostess mode and began pulling the salad fixings out of the fridge. Phoebe headed home to get some pies for dessert, while Zoe and Rose began gathering plates, cutlery, and napkins.

Having been sent to count how many were actually there, Elise stood in the doorway and began to number off the people who would be partaking of the meal. There was Kane and herself, Helen, Zoe, Phoebe, their two spouses and four children, Rose, Daniel, John and Carrie, and two other couples whose names she couldn't recall. In total that made nineteen people; she hoped there were lots of lawn chairs!

It turned out that there was no need to worry. The Alpha house was well-stocked with chairs, and Helen was more than capable of dealing with an impromptu meal for nearly twenty. Elise doubted she could ever be as organized as the older woman, and sincerely hoped that Helen would stay around for years to come.

The meal was a success and Kane had inquired politely how her day was. Elise skimmed over the meeting with Marla, instead commenting on how much she'd enjoyed their tea at the Grey Goose. Phoebe had chimed in, telling about the boots and handbag she'd purchased and Zoe described the new coats she and Rose had purchased. "But Elise didn't buy anything, Kane; you won't have to worry about her overspending." Zoe had nudged Elise playfully to show the comment was a joke.

"You didn't see anything that you liked?" Kane queried while serving himself some more salad.

"Not really." Elise took the bowl from him and passed it over to Zoe.

"Oh, come on, Elise. You were almost drooling over that green sweater at Carter's Casuals." Phoebe chided.

"I didn't really need it." Elise murmured, glancing at Kane out of the corner of her eye. She'd really have to talk to him about getting a job.

Kane looked as if he was about to comment, but then Zoe's youngest knocked over her glass of milk and in the confusion, the topic was dropped.

After dinner, a small bonfire was lit for roasting marshmallows. Everyone gathered round, couples naturally drifting together, while Helen benevolently watched her grandchildren running about the yard chasing the bubbles she was blowing for them. In the flickering fire light, Elise scanned the assembled group. Carrie was sitting between John's legs with her back resting against his chest. John's arms were wrapped around her swollen body, gently caressing her belly. Zoe was snuggled up to her husband and giggling at whatever he was whispering in her ear, while Phoebe sat beside her mate, contentedly holding his hand.

Elise had learned that the other two couples were Michael and his mate Susan, and Franz with his fiancée, Giselle. The two men had helped look for Thomas the night before. They were sitting nearby, quietly talking about a movie they had seen recently. Near the edge of the circle of light cast by the fire, Elise could just make out Rose and Daniel holding hands, the sight bringing a smile to her face. From what she had seen, they were well suited for each other, and she hoped things turned out well for them.

When everyone had first sat down, Kane had pulled Elise to his side, wrapping his arm around her waist. Now he was moving his hand across her thigh, tracing lazy patterns on the sensitive skin. She felt little frissons of awareness shooting through her body. It was decidedly unsettling how just his touch could affect her, and she wasn't sure she liked him having such power over her. Surreptitiously, Elise observed him, noting that he seemed to be mesmerized by the dancing flames and totally unaware of what his hand was doing.

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