Chapter 36

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Ryne had been gone two weeks by the time Elise was totally recovered from her ordeal. The cast had come off the previous week and it had taken another week to get the muscles and joints limbered up again. Now she felt as good as new, and eager to resume a normal life, whatever that might be. She was still planning on working part time at the Grey Goose, but she was also going to help Kane with some of the administrative work in the office. After all, she was the Alpha female and should have some understanding of the ins and outs of the pack's business.

The correct environmental report finally had been obtained and the pack's lawyers were sure the courts would rule in their favour. Once the land was designated as environmentally significant, Northern Oil wouldn't have a leg to stand on. All the water and soil samples had come back clear, and now that Marla wasn't trying to sabotage the pack, Kane had lifted the restrictions on where they were allowed to roam. Everything appeared to be falling nicely into place.

Elise smiled as she reflected on all these things. Standing by the bedroom window, staring out at the peaceful, snow covered landscape, a feeling of contentment welled up inside her. Despite everything that had happened, the pack was united and strong, their land was safe and Ryne's name had been cleared of all wrong-doing. Most importantly, in her mind at least, she and Kane were still together. Kane had even begun taking her exploring throughout the territory, and she revelled in finally being able to run at his side, his mate both in fact and spirit. He was proudly showing her all his favourite places and explaining his plans to 'christen' several of them once the weather was warmer. Yes, all in all, life was good.

It was approaching midnight, but she hadn't put on the lights, preferring the soothing darkness after the business of the day. They'd celebrated Thanksgiving, the house filled to the rafters with members of the pack. While it had been a fun occasion, quiet was what she now craved.

The door opened behind her and she half turned. Kane stood in the doorway, light from the hallway silhouetting his frame. Once again, she was struck by the power and beauty of her mate. He shut the door blocking the illumination and throwing the room into darkness. Leaving the lights off, he moved unerringly towards her. Elise waited silently until he stood beside her. As he slid his hands around her waist, she sighed happily and twisted slightly so that she was leaning back against him. He nuzzled her neck, and in response she tilted her head to give him better access.

"Are you tired?" His voice rumbled in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.


"Oh." He straightened behind her, loosening his grip, disappointment evident in his voice.

She chuckled to herself. Her mate could never get enough of her, not that she was complaining, of course! Turning in the circle of his arms, she slid her hands up his chest, "I'm not that tired."

His whole demeanour perked up and he pulled her closer, kissing her tenderly before trailing his lips over her cheeks and brow then down to her ear. "I'm happy to hear that."

"So I noticed." She brushed her hips against him, already feeling the evidence of his arousal.

With a growl, Kane crushed her body to his, running his hands up and down her back. Elise reciprocated, pulling his shirt free and working her hands beneath the material. His skin was silky and warm against her palms, the muscles shifting smoothly. Eager to feel more of him, she moved her hand around his waist to his belt. Fumbling with the clasp, she finally freed it and undid the button. Sliding down his zipper, she worked her hand inside.

Kane's shaft was hot and firm against her hand and she boldly stroked him, no longer the shy, young girl with whom he had first mated. His hips automatically flexed in response and he dug his fingers into her shoulders. Capturing her mouth with his, Kane kissed her deeply, plundering the sweet cavern with his tongue, mimicking the actions of his lower body. Finally, they pulled apart, flushed and breathing heavily.

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