Chapter 14

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Oncethe presents were opened and the cake served, Kane cleared his throat. "As much as I hate to interrupt the festivities, we do have a monthly meeting to hold, so if everyone would take a seat, we can begin."

The general rumble of conversation slowly dissipated as people settled into their seats. Helen, Carrie, and Elise sat to the side near the front, while Kane and John took their places at a central table and podium. After smiling over at Elise, Kane began.

"Before we start, I'd like to thank all of you once again for your good wishes and the warm welcome you've given Elise. I know we both appreciate it. Your support means a lot to us, especially in these difficult times." A polite round of applause cut him off, and he waited for it to die down before continuing. "I have a number of important points to bring up tonight and then we'll open the floor to discussion.

"First, as I'm sure you all know, Thomas was shot two nights ago while out on patrol. I'd like to assure you that he is recuperating at the infirmary and will be fine. At this time, we're not sure who was responsible. It could have been human hunters from town trespassing on our property—it's been known to happen before—but..." Kane paused before dropping the bombshell. "Thomas thought he scented Ryne just before the gun was fired."

Gasps filled the room and then conversations burst out all over. Elise's eyes widened as she took in the bits and pieces of dialogue that flowed through the room.


"I don't believe it."

"It can't be true. Not Ryne!"

"Kane should have killed him when he had the chance. That's how a challenge works."

"That's what you get for being too easy on upstarts."

"There has to be a mistake!"

Some seemed to be angry that Ryne would do such a thing. Others denied it could even be true. A few voices were advocating killing the offender; Elise found that to be the most disturbing. Wisely, Kane allowed a few moments for the assembly to express their feelings, before trying to proceed.

"I know it's disturbing to think that someone who was once a member of our pack could do such a thing, but we don't have hard evidence against him so there's still the possibility—"

A voice from the back interrupted. "Thomas wouldn't make something like that up. If he scented Ryne, then Ryne was there!" The crowd murmured in agreement.

Kane nodded. "True. No one is saying Ryne wasn't there. Obviously at some point in time he was in the area, though 'when' we can't say, nor do we know if he pulled the trigger or not."

Another voice called out. "You just don't want to admit Ryne is guilty because he's your brother."

A hush fell over the room and Kane's nostrils flared. Elise watched as he gripped the podium with his fingers and she was surprised the wood didn't break under the pressure. With steely eyes, Kane responded to the accusation, his voice a low, deep rumble that sent shivers up her spine. "Are you suggesting that I put personal feelings ahead of my duties to the pack?" The speaker shook his head and seemed to sink into his chair, realizing that in the heat of the moment, he had spoken out of turn. "Rest assured, that since I've become Alpha, I have put the needs of each and every one of you above all else."

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