Chapter 29

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Wow - lots of comments on that last chapter - thank you!  I was going to reply to each of you but decided my time was better spent updating the story!

BTW, if you go back to the 'acknowledgments' page at the beginning of this, you'll find that I added a trailer video for the story.  A fan made it for me a while back and I thought you might enjoy it!

Okay, on with the story....

Elise followed the familiar clatter of pots and pans that let her know Helen was back in her domain. As she entered the warm, friendly kitchen, she pasted a smile on her face and tried to sound perky. "Hi, Helen. I missed you yesterday."

Helen was pulling a ham out of the oven and answered over her shoulder. "I indulged myself and slept in since it was around two in the morning when I finally got home, and then I guess our paths just never crossed."

"Wow! You really stayed late with Carrie and John."

"Well, it was mostly John. The man was a total wreck after the birth, and was convinced he'd never go near Carrie again for fear of making her pregnant."

"I take it he didn't do well during labour?"

Snorting, Helen shook her head and after testing the temperature of the ham, popped it back in the oven. "He's fine now, but at the time it was touch and go with him." She closed the oven door and finally turned to look at Elise. Giving a cry of joy, Helen hurried across the room and embraced her. "Oh, Elise, I'm so happy for you."

Automatically, Elise returned the hug. "Uh...thanks, but why?"

Stepping back, Helen beamed at her. "The blood-bond, you silly goose."

Feeling herself flush, Elise clamped a hand over the mark on her neck. Darn, she should have worn something with a higher neck.

"So you and Kane finally took the big leap. Was it like I described it?"

"Er... Yeah, it was...amazing." Elise answered slowly, not sure what to say. Yes, it had been the best, most mind-blowing experience she could imagine, but afterwards, well...things had definitely gone downhill.

"Now don't be shy. I still remember what it was like with my Zack." A dreamy look washed over her eyes for a moment before focusing. "So, where's Kane? I'm surprised he didn't keep you locked up in the bedroom all day."

"Kane is... Well... I don't really know. He left right afterwards and I haven't seen him since." She shoved her hands in her pockets and stared at the floor.

Helen looked a bit shocked by the news, but quickly composed herself. "Well, just use your connection. Think about him and you should get some sense of where he is or what he's doing."

Elise shifted uncomfortably. "I...I can't. He seems to be blocking me out."

"What? Blocking you out when you've just bonded! Now, that's rather strange. I mean, it's possible to learn to keep the other person out sometimes—handy for planning surprises and such—but I've never heard of anyone doing it the first day."

"Well, our Alpha is a private sort of guy, I guess." She darted a glance up at Helen, feeling the need to tell someone about what had really happened. "We didn't part on the best of terms anyway."

Helen's face reflected her disappointment. "You had a fight after blood-bonding! Whatever was it about?"

In the face of Helen's concern, all of the feelings from yesterday came rushing back and her pep talk about being strong fell to pieces. Blinking rapidly, Elise tried to keep her tears at bay and just shook her head, pressing her trembling lips together.

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