Chapter 7

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Thankfully the kitchen was empty. Elise really didn't want anyone to know what had happened. Someone had humiliated her on purpose, and advertising the fact was the last thing she wanted. Removing her socks and shoes so as not to leave a muddy trail, she padded barefoot up to her room and then finished stripping off her filthy garments. Setting them on the floor, she went to clean up before heading to the laundry area that Helen had shown her yesterday.

After turning on the shower, she peered in the mirror while waiting for the water to heat up. The stones had stung as they hit her face and she wanted to check the extent of the damage. Sure enough, her cheek was smeared with a streak of dried blood. Carefully, she probed the cut, judging its severity. Lycans healed quickly but even for them a deep wound took time to heal and could leave a scar. Opening the medicine cabinet, she found some antiseptic and dabbed the punctured skin, grimacing as the liquid stung the damaged flesh. A quick perusal found no other injuries, thankfully. Checking her appearance once more, Elise decided that a casual observer wouldn't notice the wound, which in her mind was a good thing. She didn't want a lot of people questioning what had happened. Once she found out who the driver was, she'd deal with him herself.

Grabbing a clip, she twisted her pony tail up on top of her head so it wouldn't get wet and then turned away from the mirror, only to bump into a solid wall of muscle. Strong hands caught hold of her shoulders as she rocked backwards.

"Oh! You're back." Quite taken by surprise, she stated the obvious. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the fact that Kane was standing before her as naked as herself.

"Yep, I just walked in. I heard you moving about in here and, since I need a shower too, I thought we could share."

Skimming her eyes down his form, she took in his sculpted pecs and abs before moving her gaze lower. His manhood was already at half-mast and she stared in fascination before realizing what she was doing. She felt her face grow hot in embarrassment and looked away.

Kane chuckled and caught her by the chin, forcing her to look at him. "Don't be shy. You can look at me. I enjoy it almost as much as I enjoy looking at you." He accompanied his words with actions, sweeping his hand down her body, caressing her from breast to hip and back again. "You're a lovely female, Elise, with soft skin and intriguing curves that call out for me to touch them." Leaning forward, he nibbled at her lips while using his hands to knead her breasts gently.

The combined sensations created by Kane's use of his hands and lips made Elise's body hum with pleasure. Without even meaning to, she found herself leaning towards him, trying to capture his mouth for a deeper kiss and pressing her breasts more firmly into his palms.

"You like that, don't you?" he murmured as he guided her under the shower spray with him. Finding the soap, he began to wash her.

As the water pelted down, the fog that had been descending on her brain cleared. "I can do that." She reached for the bar, but he brushed her hands aside.

"Shh... You're my mate. It's my job to take care of you." Slowly he moved his hands over her, sliding across her shoulders and down her back, around to her waist then up to her breasts. He swirled soap over the soft mounds and Elise let her eyes drift shut as the pleasantly fuzzy feeling returned. The rhythmic movement both relaxed and excited her. Soon he abandoned her breasts and knelt before her, washing her stomach, legs, and buttocks. He nuzzled the juncture of her thighs, and her legs trembled as she recalled the amazing sensations Kane had managed to create within her.

All too soon, Kane stood up, leaving Elise feeling restless and achy. His body brushed sensuously against hers. "Time to trade jobs," he murmured, pressing the soap into her hands. Gulping, Elise took the bar from him. When she hesitated, he took her hands in his, moving them about on the soap to create a lather, then guiding her palms to his chest. Tentatively, she rubbed soap across his body and a low rumble emanated from his throat. Licking her lips, she continued to wash him, noting how his male nipples pebbled as her hands passed over them. Stealing a glance up at his face, she saw that his eyes were closed and his jaw was clenched. A small smile appeared on her mouth as she realized the power she had over him.

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