Chapter 27

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Elise stormed up the stairs towards the bedroom. The front door slammed behind her as Kane entered, but she didn't look back. Her emotions were vacillating rapidly; at the moment anger was foremost. How dare Kane accuse her of infidelity? She'd done absolutely nothing wrong!

Once in their room, she headed for the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Running cold water, she splashed some on her face, trying desperately to cool down. She was so hot, her nerves were on edge, her skin was crawling... Leaning against the vanity, she looked into the mirror. Oh great! It was last night all over again: eyes dilated, cheeks flushed, rapid breathing. At least this time Kane was here, but he was too mad at her to do anything to ease her discomfort. Somehow she doubted that jumping her bones was his main priority right now, and quite frankly, she was too put out with him to find the idea very appealing either.

The sound of the door handle rattling caused her to jump. "Elise, come out of there this instant!"

"Keep your shirt on!" She shouted back. The sound of Kane huffing and stomping away followed her comment.

Briefly, she considered staying in the bathroom and taking another cold shower, but the argument still needed to be resolved and hiding wouldn't prove anything. She sighed deeply and rubbed her arms with her hands, torn between the primal urge to mate, the need to make Kane understand what had really happened, and wanting to avoid his wrath as long as possible by staying right where she was. The longer she hesitated, the more the intoxicating male scent of him drifted under the door and into the small room, teasing her nostrils and elevating her hormones. He was aroused too—she could smell it—and even if it was mostly due to anger, her body yearned for his. Almost of its own volition, her hand reached for the handle and turned the knob.

As the door swung open, she saw Kane standing by the dresser, a book clutched in his hand. Why would he be reading a book at a time like this? Confused, she squinted at the leather cover—it looked just like her diary! She hadn't seen it for a few days and had been wondering how she could have misplaced it. But how had it ended up on the dresser? Temporarily distracted from all the other issues, she stepped out of the bathroom. "Is that my diary?"

"Well, it certainly isn't mine." Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

"That's personal! You shouldn't be reading it!" She walked towards him, intent on retrieving her book.

"Then don't leave it lying open on the dresser, especially not to the parts where you're swooning over that pup." Kane fairly snarled at her, throwing the book down in obvious disgust.

"Don't call Bryan a pup! And I'm not swooning over him!"

"Oh no?" Kane snatched up the diary from the floor and read it in a mocking tone. "Bryan's so good looking. I love watching him move and seeing his muscles ripple. When he touches me, I can hardly think straight and his kisses drive me insane. "

Shocked, Elise felt her mouth drop open. "I never wrote that!"

"Are you saying this isn't your writing?" Kane shoved the book at her and she took it, studying the entry. It looked like her handwriting, but she never would have written that. Flipping back a few pages, she discovered that someone had forged several entries after the last one in which she'd said she was meeting Bryan. Dismayed, Elise looked up at Kane, shaking her head in denial.

"Kane, I swear I didn't write that. I don't know who... " Her mind racing, Elise recalled the day that she'd found Marla leaving their room, claiming to have been looking for a book to read. Well, obviously the she-wolf had certainly found something to read and it was her diary! Pursing her lips, she fumed about how nasty Marla's actions were. "Kane, I think Marla wrote that. My diary went missing the same day I found her in our room—"

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