Chapter 11

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My apologies for not updating sooner - internet has been down and I'm posting  from my phone!

The next morning, Elise woke to the feel of Kane sliding his hand up and down her stomach. For a few moments, she pretended to be sleeping. Memories of the previous night drifted through her mind, and she couldn't keep a smile from appearing on her lips. Never had she imagined that her body was capable of such feelings. Mating with Kane was definitely a special experience. She stretched and sighed happily, then snuggled in closer to him, inhaling the male scent of him.

"I know you're awake." Kane's voice was gravelly, revealing that he hadn't been awake that long either.

"No, I'm not." She kept her eyes closed, wanting to prolong this companionable moment.

"I beg to differ."

"Well, you're wrong. I'm sleeping and I'm in the middle of a very pleasant dream, so don't bother me."

"I could make reality even more pleasant." He allowed his hand to drift upward and cup her breast, gently kneading the soft flesh.

"Mmm... Maybe I am awake." Elise opened her eyes, her lashes brushing against Kane's cheek as he nuzzled her neck.

"Good morning." His breath feathered over her ear and she giggled in response.

"That tickles."

"Really? How about this?" He ran his fingers lightly up and down her sides and she bubbled with laughter, squirming away from him.

"Hey! I'm just waking up. No fair!"

"Who said I play fair?" He reached out and pulled her closer, tickling her one more time.

"You're the Alpha; you're supposed to set a good example." Elise pressed her hands to his chest, involuntarily caressing the muscled surface as she tried to move away, but he was too strong for her.

"True, but no one's here to see except you."

"And I don't count?" She tried to look affronted.

"You..." he leaned in to kiss her forehead, "count very much." He kissed the tip of her nose, then pulled her close and tucked her under his chin. "You're my mate."

Elise smiled at the possessive way he said that. It was strange, but even after such a short time together, she found herself inexplicably comfortable with the idea of belonging to him. Maybe it was some ancient, instinctual thing that made her feel connected to the first male who mated her. She supposed in the olden days such a bond would have been nature's way of ensuring that two wolves stayed together to raise their young... Oh well, analyzing it wouldn't affect how she felt, and at this moment she was happy to be with Kane, in his bed, knowing that he was happy with her.

Somehow, when they were snuggled in bed, she felt more at ease with him than she did during the rest of the day. Possibly it was because at least here she knew what to expect. In the bedroom, they had a physical relationship and that was it. The rest of the time, however, she wasn't so sure. She was his mate, but exactly what did that mean? What was she supposed to be doing? How should she be acting? Whether it was true or not, she had a feeling that the others were watching and judging how she interacted with Kane. Was she being too bold or too submissive? Too affectionate? Too distant? She really wasn't sure of her role in Kane's life, or within the pack for that matter.

Suddenly a recollection from last night popped into her head. "Kane, in the middle of the night the phone rang, didn't it?"

His hand, which had been drawing lazy circles on her hip, stilled for a moment before continuing its movement. "Did that wake you? Sorry. I tried to be quiet."

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