Chapter 23

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Kane put his arm around her shoulders, his thumb gently rubbing over her upper arm. When he spoke, his voice held a tinge of regret and self-reproach. "I can't believe I reacted that strongly to Thomas knocking you down. I acted without even thinking and I never do that. I'm the Alpha, the one that's supposed to be in control. But when I heard that growl, I lost it. My only thought was to protect my mate. I'm sorry if I frightened you."

"I wasn't frightened—not exactly. Surprised, worried, wondering what the hell was going on... But frightened of you? No."

"I'd never hurt you."

"I know."

He tightened his arm around her and she turned in towards him, leaning her head against his chest. They sat there silently for a while, absorbing the warmth and essence of the other.

Elise savoured the moment. This was what she wanted. Time when they were just together as a normal couple. The sex between them was great, but in truth Kane could get that anywhere. She wanted an actual relationship, where they talked and shared their ideas and feelings. Maybe Kane wanted that, too. The intense emotions of a few minutes ago seemed to have loosened his tight self-control. While she was reluctant to ruin the companionable silence between them, she didn't want to let this opportunity go by. Gathering her courage, she wet her lips, then spoke softly. "Kane, this afternoon—"

Simultaneously, he began to speak as well. "You know—"

They both stopped and laughed self-consciously. Kane laid a finger on her lips. "Let me, please? I'm not good at sharing stuff and I've finally got my nerve up, okay?"

She nodded. Her news wasn't that earth shattering really. It could wait. This was Kane's time.

"I try to be a leader of the twenty-first century; calm, reasonable, civilized...setting an example for the others to follow. I want my pack to move forward and fit into society, but sometimes, like tonight, my instincts take over and I find that I'm more wolf than man. Don't get me wrong, being a wolf is an important part of who I am—it's just not always easy to keep it under control."

"I think you do a fine job balancing the man and the wolf." Elise idly traced the pattern on his shirt.

"I'm glad you think so. Me—I'm not so sure." He inhaled deeply then surprised her by seeming to change the subject. "Has anyone told you about my parents?"

"Well, I've heard some stories..." Elise answered hesitantly, not sure if she was or wasn't supposed to know.

"My father was a rogue wolf; a throwback to days long gone. The kind of rogue who could never settle down or integrate into a pack. He dragged us all over the countryside, spending a month here, a month there. I think my mother was the only one who could tolerate him for any length of time." Kane tipped his head up and stared at the night sky as if a picture of the man was forming in the stars. "He had his good points. He could be spontaneous and fun, always coming up with ideas for a new adventure. Apparently, he was quite a charmer of the ladies and a rather smooth talker too, which was a good thing because it got him out of quite a few scrapes. Unfortunately, even his glib tongue wasn't always sufficient and his temper was what lingered on in everyone's memory. We were kicked out of more places than I care to remember because of him."

"That must have been awfully hard on you."

"It had its moments. We—Ryne and I—became pretty good at reading the signs and staying away when he was in a mood. Mom was great and did what she could to keep us fed and safe but it didn't always work." Kane paused and seemed lost in his own memories. Elise could easily imagine him as a child, undernourished and afraid, his dark hair all tousled, while his amber eyes solemnly assessed the mood in the house, wondering if it was safe or if he should hide... It was so foreign to her own experiences. She wished she'd been there to offer him some comfort.

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