My First Day

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Bluey and Bingo had dragged me over to their spot in response to me now being their brother, they wanted to enjoy time as siblings fast.

"What should we play now? We have three of us!" Bingo asked, "Sandwich shop!" Bluey suggested. I didn't know what it was, but we got to it, as a family.

"Nick, can you come here please?" Mrs heeler called for me, I quickly responded.

"On my way! Sorry Bluey, sorry Bingo." I told my new sisters. They didn't seem to mind, knowing I wasn't in trouble, they knew I still had one person in the family to meet.

Mr heeler.

"Gooday kiddo, how ya doing?" I realized it was Bandit, duh! I should've known that! It's Blueys dad after all!

"Hi Mr heeler! I'm so happy that you guys adopted me!" I said shaking the bigger Blue heelers hand.

"Glad to hear that kiddo, welcome to the family." He said, and started to walk off.

"Mr heeler?" I asked, he turned back with a confused expression.

"Thank you." I said in a calm voice.

He nodded, and walked on, I returned to Bluey and Bingo, who were happy to see me again.

"Let's get this party started!" I said, my new sisters we happy to see me in such high spirits, and we began to play sandwich shop.

Over time, Bluey and Bingo seemed to get bored, so I tried to think of a game. I couldn't think of one, so I asked them if they wanted to just chill for a while.

"Sure, what do we do?" The two girls still a bit younger than me, didn't seem to know how to relax.

We laid down together in the grass, and watched the clouds for a while.

"So Nick, why were you at the adoption center?" Bingo asked.

"Bingo! That's rude!" Bluey said, "He's very sensitive to that." She reminded Bingo, trying to ease off the topic.

"It's okay Bluey, you guys are the closest I have now. I guess I better share huh?" I said, making sure they knew how I felt.

"You sure Nick?" Bluey asked, worried.

"Yes Bluey, well, it started when my parents passed. They were amazing, they loved me so much. Then they were gone in a flash. I stayed at the adoption center for three years, no longer being in school crushed me. Until Bluey and Mr heeler started to come by every now and then. Now I'm here."

Bingo was tearing up and got up.

"Bingo you alright?" I asked the teary pup.

Mr and Mrs heeler were watching us from afar, but didn't intervene.

Bingo walked up to me.

"B-bingo?" I asked again.

"Just... Don't talk." She said, pulling me into a hug.

My tension eased, as I felt Bingo wrap her arms around me, my new little sister started to sniffle a bit.

"I'm so sorry for what happened." Bingo said, "We will make sure that you are never alone again."

I hugged Bingo back, embracing the small heeler, "Thank you... Sister"

Bluey joined the hug, and the three of us held each other close for some time.

Mr and Mrs heeler approached, and hugged the three of us together. It was our first family hug.

"Welcome home Nick." They all said.

"Thank you... Family."

As we all broke the hug, I looked up to my new parents and asked them, "Mom, dad, I love you."

They seemed surprised by my statement, but replied heartingly with, "We love you too kiddo." Asked we hugged once more, mom asked us if we were ready for lunch, we replied yes, and we're on our way to the kitchen.

"Wow, the house is so roomy." I said.

"I guess you haven't seen the inside yet huh bud?" Dad asked me, "Nope, love it tho!"

We all shared a laugh as we sat around the table. We shared our good and bad things about the day, until it got to me.

"I guess my good thing would be to now be here with you guys. My bad..." I stopped, remembering what happened this morning.

6 hours earlier

"You're parents didn't love you, that's why they killed themselves!" A bulldog, aged 16 said to me.

"No they didn't! They were killed in an accident! They loved me with all they had!" I said, protecting my parents.

"Oh shut up normie!" The bulldog hit me in the arm, causing a bruise to form.

I laid on my bed and cried, hoping what he said wasn't true.

Back to the present

"Nick honey, you okay?" Mum asked, I hadn't realized I was just staring blankly into space for the time being.

"Oh... Um..." I stuttered.

"It's okay Hun, you don't have to say it if you'd rather not." Mum said to me.

"Thanks mum" I said, having a warm smile.

Bluey and Bingo became a little worried for me, and asked mum a few questions later on.

I had overheard their convos from the other room.

"Mum, is Nicky okay?" Bingo asked, her nickname for me was cute, I loved my little sister.

"Yes Hun, he's just a bit hurt from where he's been for the time from his parents passing till now." Mum told her. Bingo walked out of the kitchen, and walked up to me.

"Nicky?" She asked me, I was staring off again.

"Oh, yes Bingo?" I asked her, she just sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"I'm here for you big brother." Bingo said, Bluey joined us and we sat in the couch together.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be okay, I have you and mum and dad now." I said embracing them.

"Yes you do Nick" bluey said and hugged me back.

As mum was getting the girls in the bath, she asked me to join the girls.

"But mum I'm a boy, isn't that weird?" I asked her.

"Not if it's family Hun, I understand if you feel uncomfortable though." She told me.

Bluey and Bingo gestured me to join them, knowing they accepted me felt welcoming.

"Okay" I said, hoping in with my sisters. We splashed around a bit as mum washed Bingo.

"Ah Bluey! My eyes!" Bingo said, laughing.

"Sorry Bingo! Get over here Nick!" She said, laughing too.

"Ah no! Away with you, Blue one!" I said, laughing as I splashed at my sister.

"Ah!" Bluey screamed laughing.

As we got done with our bath, mum and dad brought me to Bluey and Bingos room, where they had made a bed for me at the window above the girls.

"Thank you mum and dad, I love it!" I said, hugging them.

"You sure you don't want your own room?" They asked me, "No way! I will stay here, with my sisters. I will look after them." I said, being the big brother I had to be.

"Now ain't that just cute." Mum said to dad, "It's a man's job to look after his little sisters, let the kid do what he pleases." Dad said. "Goodnight squirts!" They said as they walked out of our room for the night.

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