Nick gets arrested

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Bingo and I made up, apparently Bluey hasn't seen Rusty in days, hope the little dude is alright.

I was on my way to the store, mum had asked me to go and pick ups few things. I had brought Bingo with me as she wanted to spend time with me today.

"Nick, mum told me to give you this" she handed me mums letter, which was a note of what I needed to buy when we made it to the store.

"Thanks Redhead" I said, tapping her foot, she giggled, "Ahhh stop it!" She screamed laughing.

"Just messing with ya kid, hey we're here!" I told her, we got out of the car and I had gotten some concerning looks from people.

As Bingo and I made our route throughout the store, others started to mumble and speak amongst themselves as they watched us. It was strange.

"Nick, why are they looking at us like that?" Bingo asked finally, "Not sure sis, it's kinda unsettling." I responded.

As we purchased our items, the store clerk had a viable tone against me as well. Why was everyone acting so strange?

As Bingo and exited the store, a few patrol units had come by, with their lights on.

"On the ground now!" One of them shouted, Bingo and I looked around to see an officer with a gun pointed towards us. He snatched Bingo from me, to which she screamed.

"Let go of me! Nick help!" The officers approached me and put me in cuffs, they didn't state my name or anything as I was dragged into the police car.

"Bingo, Call mum on my phone! It's in the car!" I screamed, Bingo had run away from the cop to the car where she found my phone. My mum been called.

"I won't talk without my mother present!" I told the officers as we arrived at the station.

"Fine by us, we don't need your lies anyway Kelpy." They scowled at me. What is this? What is even happening?

Mum had come and grabbed Bingo from the lot, and was now at the station.

"Where is my son?" She asked diligently.

"Mrs Heeler, you don't have a son, do you?" The officer asked, "Yes I do! You just arrested him at the store!" She screamed.

"Mrs Heeler, Digger Kelpy is not your son." The officer spoke, "That isn't Digger!" Mum screamed.

"What? Then who-" Mum had bypassed the cop and burst through the door of the interrogation room.

"Mum!" I said, "What's going on here?" Mum asked.

"Mrs heeler, why are you here? We were told his mother was-"

"Hush it!" Mum screamed, "This isn't Digger Kelpy! This is my son, Nick Heeler!"

The officers didn't believe mum, until she showed multiple pictures of our family together. She also happened to have a copy of the adoption papers in her wallet, which the officers couldn't disregard.

"Sorry Mrs heeler." The officers said, "Why was I not called by you? Why was I called by my daughter who was crying on the phone with me? Why have you taken my son here?"

Mum was furious. Bingo was just hugging me crying as I held her.

"Mum, we will wait outside." I told her, her mood changed for us in the split moment, "Okay honey, be out in a minute, AND ANOTHER THI-" I closed the door as I heard mum yelling loudly at the officers, Bingo and I now sitting in the lobby, her holding onto me.

"Bingo it's okay honey, I'm right here sis." I said, hoping to calm the crying four year old. "Why did they do that to you? Did you do something bad?" She asked me, "No sis, they thought I was someone else and brought me here to ask me a few questions, that's all." I told her.

Mum had come out with a statement of claim from the officers. They had the wrong person and wanted to apologize.

"May we go now?" Mum asked the security guard, "Yes Ma'am, have a good rest of your day." He said to us.

As we exited the station, dad rolled in.

"I heard what happened, you alright son?" He asked me, "Always dad, thanks for the check in." I told him, he smiled.

I guess Digger had done something, since they arrested me for looking like him. Did he do something to Rusty?

"Hey mum, can we stop by Rusty's place?" I asked, she agreed.

As I knocked, Rusty answered.

"Hey little man, can we talk a bit?" I asked, he nodded and led me inside.

"Something wrong Nick?" He asked, "Yes actually, Digger needs to come clean, I just got arrested because of him." I told the young Kelpy. Digger bursted through the door of his closet and said, "leave, now."

"Digger, I don't know what you did mate, but you need to not run from it." I told him, he punched me. "You son of a bitch, you don't come to my home and tell me what to do!" He screamed, the Kelpy had bloodshot eyes and a tipsy motion to his standing, was he high and drunk? At his age?

"Digger, don't hurt Nick! He wants what's best for you please! We all do!" Rusty begged his brother, Digger just slapped Rusty and kicked him down.

"Digger, that's enough mate, you've gone too damn far." I said, Digger pulled out a knife, and swung. He hit Rusty and I, making us both bleed.

"DAMNIT DIGGER LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE!" I screamed, Rusty had ran to get his father's hand gun as I caused a commotion.

"What I've done!? You've brought this on-"


"Digger... Knock. off. your. SHIT!"


Rusty shot Digger in the back of his foot, sending the older Kelpy to the ground.

"Rusty! Thank you!" I said hugging the young Kelpy, "No problem, now let's get him up." We got Digger up, he had passed out from the sudden pain, but mostly the alcohol.

Cops had flooded around the house, with them rushing in to be met by Rusty, Digger, and I all bleeding from our own respective wounds.

"Holy shit..." One of them said, "Digger Kelpy, you're under arrest for the murder of your parents."


"Dear God... Rusty, is this why you haven't been to school?" I asked, he nodded.

"Cmon Rusty, let's head back to my place." I said, he agreed, mum dad and Bingo had been sitting and waiting this entire time worried, Rusty and I got into the car as I explained.

"Rusty mate, you are welcome to stay with us as long as you need." Dad told Rusty, "Thank you Mr heeler." He said, still not sure how to process it all yet.

As we arrived home, Bluey seen Rusty and asked questions, after the story was told, Bluey and Rusty went to play, Bingo followed close behind.

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