Blueys School

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As we got out of the car, a few of Blueys friends ran up to us.

"Hey Bluey!" A Border-Collie greeted, "Hi Mackenzie!" Bluey hugged the Collie, and introduced me.

"This is Nick, he's my brother!" Bluey said happily, "Well hello Nick, good to meet ya" He shook my hand. "You as well Mackenzie." I responded.

Most of the greetings went roughly the same, until we met up with Coco.

"Hi Bluey, who's this?" Coco asked, she leaned to Bluey and I heard her ask, "And why is he so cute?"

"Coco we're 7! Why say that!?" Bluey screamed, "I don't know! He just... He's cute okay?" I chuckled as my sister and her friend argued.

"It's fine Bluey, but maybe we should refrain from saying those things, I'm 15 and you're 7 Coco." I said to her, she was surprised.

"15? Why are you in Blueys class?" She asked, "And how do you know Bluey?" She kept on.

"Oh that, we are siblings." I told her, she didn't seem to buy it.

"But Blueys a heeler and you're a Kelpy, how's that make sense?" She asked.

"I am adopted." I said, "Oh, well that's nice!" Coco told me. She said farewell to us and took off to play.

Bluey and I walked into the cabin to find Calypso talking to another red Kelpy. His name was Rusty.

"Oh hello, you must be Blueys brother, I'm Calypso." She shook my hand, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were Rusty's brother!" Calypso laughed, along with Bluey.

"Oh that reminds me, Nick, this is Rusty" she greeted me to the Kelpy, who looked somewhat like me, but only because of the same breed.

"Hey mate!" I said to him, he replied, "Yoyo!" We didn't talk to each other from then on, but we weren't enemies, far from it.

"Well Bluey, how about you guys go play for a while?" Calypso asked.

We made our way out into the field, Bluey and just talked all day, we didn't feel like playing.

After our day, we went to Bingos school, and dad sent Bluey and I to find out little sister.

"How about we split up and come back in five?" Bluey asked, "Sure thing sis, go go go!" I said, we scattered to find our sister.

I found Bingo after about three minutes, she wasn't looking too good.

"Bingo! Are you okay!?" I asked the whimpering pup, "N-No... Those girls hurt me!" Bingo cried, "They scratched me and bit me over and over!"

"Where's your teacher?" I asked Bingo, she pointed to the retriever and we walked over.

"Oh my! Bingo, what happened darling?" Mrs retriever asked my red heeler sister. "The girls did it to me, they hit and bit me!" Bingo said again.

"Bingo I'm sorry for all that. Why don't you guys go find Bluey?"

We walked along to find Bluey, when the three girls found us, they stopped in front of Bingo, and started calling her names.

"Fatty! Stuby! Wimp!" Was all Bingo heard before I stepped in.

"Leave her alone." I said in a menacing voice. The three girls tried to scare me off with their barks, but I returned one of my own that made them run from me.

"Bingo, are they the ones who did this to you?" I asked her, she nodded and hugged me, "Thank you."

"Anyday Bingo, I've got your back."

Just then we saw Bluey holding the pups by their scruffs, "So do I. Let's go you three." Bluey had them in a home, waking them to Mrs retriever, where they would receive a punishment from Mrs retriever and their parents.

"Good on ya Bluey, you too Nick." Dad patted our heads.

"Let's all go get Ice cream, shall we?"

"Yea!" We all said, Bingo was still in pain.

I picked her up gently and carried the little heeler around. She seemed to love this and snuggled into my chest fur, tickling me.

"Ah Bingo!" I laughed, "What're you doing?" I asked the pup.

"You're just so soft Nick! I love your fur!" Bingo said to me, snuggling back in.

"Haha! Bingo!" I said laughing, this kid...

"Alright Bingo, what kind do ya want?" I asked her, since dad was letting us choose. He had handed me a 20$.

"Stwabewwy!" Bingo said, she was talking in a baby voice at me now.

"Pfft- Bingo what's with the baby voice?" I asked her laughing again.

"I don't know! I just want to!" The little heeler laughed, Bluey was now laughing histerically at our banter.

"Alright you three, lets go!" Dad called, we hopped back into the car, Bingo not wanting to let go of me.

"No I don't wanna go!" Bingo yelled, as she was still playing around.

"Bingo, we need to make sure you're safe for the car ride!" I said, "Tell you what, I'll sit next to you in the car okay?" She seemed to enjoy this idea, and got in.

As we headed home, I thought about how mum would react to seeing Bingos cuts and bruises, guess there was only one way to find out...

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