Hero or Villain?

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I had accidentally given Bingo and Bluey the wrong lunches... Bingo was now in the hospital for a couple of days.

The thought of my little sister being held on a hospital bed... It broke me to the very core, sending nothing but self-consciousness and an eary feeling down my spine.

I had hurt the one who called me her hero... And the worst part was that she knew it too...

"Nick! We are going to see Bingo! Cmon!" Mum yelled up, "I'll stay home mum! I've got stuff to work on!" I said, knowing full well I didn't, but I wanted an excuse.

"Oh... Okay Hun! See you when we get back! Love you!" Mum screamed as they went out the door.

I began to sob as they left, as soon as they closed the door I began to hurt myself. I took my knife I had from shop class and began to cut the living daylights out of my own arms. I had blood dripping from myself from one of the cuts that went too deep, I didn't care. I felt as if I needed to pay for what I'd done.

I cleaned up the blood from my fur when I finally thought I had had enough. Then went right back to sobbing on my bed. I nearly killed my sister. She thought of me as a hero... And I did this to her...

What am to her now?


"Bingo... You awake?" I asked as we knocked and entered the room, Bingo was in fact awake and lively.

"Hi Bluey... Where's Nick?" Bingo asked me, "He stayed home, said he had something to work on." I told her.

A doctor walked into the room as we began our visit, Bingo was free to go.

"Bingo, please be more careful. This is the second time this year." The doctor told my sister, she nodded.

"Okay doctor, thanks" Mum responded, we began to pack Bingos things as needed. I'm kinda worried about Nick, he's been off since Bingo left.

Wonder what he's up to?


As I heard everyone returning, I heard a familiar voice.


I locked my door and hid myself from my family, trying not to come into contact with the red heeler. I didn't want to upset her, not anymore than I already have.

I kept softly crying for what felt like hours, I didn't know the time cause all I wanted to do was fall asleep, for the whole thing to be a dream.

"Nick! Downstairs! Now!" Mum and Dad called, what now?

Wait... Where did I leave that knife?


"Y-yeah Mum?" I said, trying to sound like I wasn't just crying for hours and in pain because of the cuts, that were still bleeding by the way.

"Nick... Why are you more red than usual?" Mum asked me, "N-No reason mum, I'm gonna-" mum grabbed my arm, which made me yip in pain, she quickly released.

"Nick... Have you been cutting yourself? This blood on this knife is yours, isn't it?" She asked, I just ran back to my room and closed the door. Mum surprisingly didn't come through, she sat down by the door outside and waited for me.

"Honey... Please... I love you... Don't do this to yourself. It hurts us as well." She said, "Then why does it make me feel better? Why do I feel like I need to punish myself?" I asked her, she didn't answer. All I heard was a bit of crying.

"Mum... Please don't cry." I said, "It's not mum..." I heard a little voice say.

"B-Bingo?" I asked, "Yes Nick..." She replied, "Why...? Why do you do this? Why do you hurt yourself?" She asked as she came in.

"Bingo... I..." I couldn't talk to her... I couldn't bear the thought of what I might say, what she might say.

"Nick... Is this because of me?" She asked, I nodded. "I wanted to hurt myself because I hurt you." I told her, "I hurt you after you called me your hero... I... I can't..." I started to walk out when Bingo stopped me.

"Nick, please stay calm..." She said, she nudged me back into the bed and crawled up. "Here..." She put her head down, gesturing me to pet her. I couldn't do it... As much as I may have needed it... I couldn't bring myself to be close to my little sister after it all.

I stood up and walked away from Bingo, she began to cry. "Nick... Please..." She said in between sobs. "I don't think of you any less!" She screamed.

"How?" I asked, "Even after what happened?" I was distraught at my sister's actions, she never cried for me before. "Please Nick, just... Please... Don't leave me alone again." She said.

I finally realized it, she wasn't sad before because I put her there, she was sad because she missed me...

"I missed you... I wanted you there with me the entire time. Everytime you wouldn't come, it hurt more and more." She said to me, "Please don't do that again..." She kept crying on my bed, shedding tears after tears.

"Bingo... I'm sorry for being a Villain." I told her, "Can I be your hero again?" I asked.

"You never were a Villain to me..." She said,


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