The Stairs of Pain

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This morning I woke up by Nick, he was still sleeping. I knew he falls asleep after Bluey and I since he was older, but I'm happy he stayed with me last night. Mum and Dad weren't up yet, and I needed to go downstairs. I turned the corner and tripped over a small lip in a floorboard, sending me down the stairs... Breaking my arm.


I shot up from my bed at the sound of a crack, then I heard Bingo crying. I sprung out of bed to find the little heeler at the bottom of the stairs, holding her arm in pain.

"Bingo! Are you alright?" I said as I walked forward, trippin on what I believed what Bingo had because it sent me down the same stairs. I broke my leg in the process of the fall. Bingo heard the crack of my leg and asked me if I was okay too. I didn't care about my leg, only her.

"Bingo my leg doesn't matter, c'mon let's get you to the couch." I picked her up despite my leg bending in ways it shouldn't which Bingo quickly took notice of.

"Nick please sit down! You are going to hurt yourself more!" Bingo whined, and gave me her puppy eyes. "...okay Bingo." I had caved to my little sisters request, and sat down next to her.

Bluey, mum, and dad had all woke due to me and Bingo falling down the stairs, they rushed to us and began the emergency call for an ambulance.

Bingos arm was out of proportion, bending at a spot it wasn't supposed to. I knew I had to reset it and keep it in place till the doctors got here.

"Bingo... I'm sorry, I have to reset your arm." I told her, "it will hurt but it needs to be done." I told the pup. She gave me a nod and grabbed mom's hand. I took her arm and pulled, making the bones release one another, and lightly pressing the bone back into it's correct location, Bingo continued to cry during it all, I hated hurting her, but it would help her in the long run.

"Now Bingo, hold your arm in place okay?" I told her as I reset my own bone, keeping it in place.

As the doctors walked in, they saw Bingo and I, holding our broken limbs, they had actually brought their medical supplies with them, and assessed us at the house.

"Okay you two, please be careful from now on, this could take months to heal." They told us, Bingo took it hard and began to cry, I hugged her.

"Bingo it's okay, I've got ya." I told her.

Bingo told me her foot was in pain as well, which is why when she went to stand, she returned to the couch quickly. Did she break her foot too?

The doctors took a quick look at Bingos Foot, and came to the conclusion that she had fractured it. So not only did Bingo break her arm, but fractured her foot too. Bingo would now be wearing a boot for some time.

"I'm sorry Bingo... Are you okay?" I asked her, "No... I wanna go back to bed." She told me. The doctors advised us to get help from our parents for a couple days before sending us back to our respective schools. Which meant no stairs, and no walking on our own, at least for a while.

"Bingo, Nick, we can pull the couch bed out for you guys if you'd like." Mum asked us. Bingo reluctantly agreed, to which I subsided with.

"Yes please mum." We said, dad and Bluey helped Bingo and I move for mum to release the couch bed, and asked Bluey to go get our pillows and blankets.

"Well on the bright side Bingo, now you won't have to worry about being alone." Bingo giggled at the joke, which made me smile.

"Bandit honey, you wanna-" Dad was already on it, he was fixing the floor board by the stairs after the incident. "Sorry I never saw it before Hun, I'm sorry squirts. You guys doing alright?" Dad asked us.

"It ain't your fault dad, honestly, I think it will give Bingo and I a chance to come closer as siblings." I told him, he smiled, "At least someone is positive." He joked, we laughed it off.

"You two get some rest, here's the remote kiddo." Dad handed me the remote for Bingo and I, Bingo suggested to watch her favorite cartoon. I didn't mind cartoons, but I wanted to sleep anyhow.

With our casts now on, Bingo and I were to stay put for hours, days, and even weeks. Man, that one board put an end to our carefree lives, and now we lived in a careful state.

"Nick, are you okay?" Bluey asked me, Bingo was just sitting, watching her favorite cartoon with her little tail wagging.

"I suppose, I just... Bingos so young and she has much energy, will she be able to stay put?" I said, fearing Bingo would take this whole thing to a negative standpoint. Bingo reassured me that wouldn't happen.

"Nick, as long as you're with me through this, I'll be fine."* She said hugging me, "I'm just glad I'm not alone." She reminded me.

"May I join you guys?" Bluey asked, "Pop a squat sis" I said gesturing a spot being open next to me.

With me now in the middle of my two little sisters, we watched cartoons, and slept together on the couch.

"Aww look at that Bandit." I heard mom say, she didn't know I was awake, as I was resting my eyes.

"Now ain't that just something?" I heard Dad say, they gave us all kisses and went into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Maybe this would give us a chance to be a closer family, staying positive is key!

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