Rusty's Recovery

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I let Bluey know the real reason behind Rusty's actions, after the news came on about his suicide attempt.

"B-But why? Why did he break up with me if he-"

"Because he protected you Bluey." Mackenzie spoke, he played out that he knew of the text to Rusty. One of his buddies had supposedly sent the text and told Mackenzie after the attempt.

"He said he never meant for it to go this far, I turned him in for it. Bluey... Maybe it's best we aren't together, I'm not sure Rusty can handle it. And I'd hate to upset him." Mackenzie cared for their relationship, but also for Rusty.

"But Kenzie... I don't wanna lose anyone else... Please, I will get Rusty out of this! Please just stay..."

Mack and Bluey shared a hug, while Bluey whined to him about it all, pleading with the Collie.

"Alright... Let's go see Rusty." I told the two, we pilled into the car and drove off.

Rusty was in his hospice bed as we walked in.

"Rusty? C-can we talk mate?" Mackenzie asked, "Yea..." Rusty was still nervous from his actions earlier.

"Rusty, do you remember that text?" Mack asked, Rusty asked how he knew and Mack told him.

"I would've told you if I knew mate... I'm sorry." Mack held out his paw for the Kelpy, Rusty accepted it and looked at Bluey.

"I'm sorry for the damage I've caused you Bluey..." He began, "And Mack?"


"Take good care of her." Rusty said, his heart rate began to speed up, and his eyes began to droop.

"Rusty? Rusty!?" I panicked, the other two watched as nurses rushed to help me with the young Kelpy.

Rusty had taken his full bottle of pills on his desk... The Kelpy was overdosing...

"Rusty... Why?" Bluey asked softly, as if Rusty would answer.

"To protect you from me..." Rusty did answer, the nurses had saved him!

"Rusty, just what in dogs name were you thinking!?" Bluey screamed, asking the Kelpy.

"I can't be around you, all I do is hurt you..." He replied.

"Killing yourself would hurt me more than anything Rusty!" Bluey walked up to Rusty and grabbed his paw.

"I understand your pain, but it ain't right what you just tried to do." She said to him.

"Stay with us Rusty, I promise you the days will be better soon enough." Mackenzie had joined Blueys side now, he spoke clearly for the Kelpy.

"I'm sorry... I just want the suffering to end."

"And it will Rusty, as long as you stay with us." I told him, "We've got you."

I stayed overnight with the Kelpy, mum and Dad came to get Bluey and Mack.

Rusty... What happened to you mate?

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