Bluey and Nick Squabble

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When we got home, mum had assessed Bingos injuries while Bluey and I ran upstairs to play, upon doing so, I accidentally stepped on Blueys tail.

"Ow!" Bluey screamed. "Sorry Bluey, you okay?" I asked her, she seemed mad.

"Ugh why are you so clumsy!?" Bluey screamed at me.

"What? Bluey are you alright? You aren't usually angry with me." I asked trying to help my sister, I knew she was mad but... Why?

"Stay away Nick, just go away!" Bluey ran into our room and shut the door, what was I doing wrong?

"Bluey, can't we talk about this? Is there something bothering you?" I asked her.

"If I would've found Bingo she wouldn't be like this! I know she wouldn't be!" I couldn't believe it, Bluey was blaming me for Bingo being hurt!

"Bluey it's not my fault that Bingo got hurt! You know that!" I said, trying to reason with her, she didn't budge.

"No! It is! Because I would've found her before you if I went your way and I could've protected Bingo! Unlike you!"

This hurt, like really hurt.

"I'm sorry Bluey... I know I couldn't protect Bingo..." I said as I walked off. Blueys words got to me, they stuck in my head and I ran to the spare room and closed the door.


"I'm sorry Bluey..." I heard Nick say, "I know I couldn't protect Bingo..."

I heard him walk away, I wanted him to, I couldn't bear the thought of Bingo being hurt, but now I think I hurt my brother...

I sat in our room and cried, I hated hearing Bingo scream in pain at the cleaning of her wounds. "Why did I say that to Nick? Why did I just hurt the only person that could be next ot me right now? Why am I a bad sister?"


As I got done getting bandaged up and cleaned, I heard Bluey and Nick fighting. Bluey slammed our bedroom door and Nick gently closed the spare room door, just enough to latch it.

I walked up the stairs to the spare room door. Nick was sitting in the middle of the room under the dim light coming in the window.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Bingo." He said to me, "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

"Nick there isn't anything to say sorry for, you did protect me, remember?" He seemed to remember that part of the problem, but continued in sorrow.

"But when you got hurt, I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry." He told me.

Man, Nick was a mess. I better give him a hug.

"Nick, you wouldn't have known about it, please, I'm okay." I said giving my brother a hug, he embraced my little body, nearly popping me like a balloon.

"I'm sorry Bingo, I didn't mean to scare you." He said on the verge of tears. "It's okay Nick, I still Love you, no matter what"

We heard a door unlock, it was the door to our bedroom, dad and mum had gone in there to talk to Bluey. It sounded like it was going well until screaming was heard.


We heard Bluey yelling at mum and dad, until dad got into the mix, Bingo didn't like fights, she had PTSD from it. Her nana and mum fought a lot, and she covered her little ears in fear.

I saw Bingo getting scared, and got angry with our parents.

I walked out of the room to see Bluey and dad arguing still, while Mum was trying to stop it. Until I stepped in.

"All three of y'all quit!" I screamed, "Bingo is sitting in here crying because of you, take it outside if you want, but don't make Bingo listen to your dumb bickering!"

Dad and mum looked at me, then back at each other.

"Kiddo... We just wanted to clear thi-" I stopped dad, "Clear things? Fighting with your daughter is clearing things? Don't make me laugh, if you really wanted peace, you would have waited. Bluey, I'm sorry you felt that I couldn't protect Bingo, but right now, I'm proving I can, so both of you quit squabbling, cause all you're doing is hurting her." I said in a stern voice. Bluey looked at me and said, "Okay... Dad, let's talk outside."

As Bluey assured dad outside, Mom stayed with Bingo and I. When returning to the room, Bingo ran to me and hugged me for what I'd done.

"Thank you Nick." She said, "See, you are a good Big brother." She complimented me.

"Sorry Bingo, dad and Bluey got out of hand..." Mum told her youngest. "It's okay momma, but please, I don't like squabbles!" Bingo said, and hugged mom tightly.

Bluey and Bandit came back, and Bluey and I talked, "I'm sorry Nick, I just don't like to see my little sister in pain, and Everytime it would happen I would blame myself. Once my brain realized it had another target to shoot at, it took its shot." Bluey said, "I know it isn't a good excuse..." She stated.

"Bluey, I love you and I love our sister, I will protect you both in anyway I can, please remember that." I told her, I didn't care for the excuse, I just want her to know what I feel.

"Okay Nick, Love you brother." She said hugging me.

"Love you too sis." I said, embracing the Blue Heeler.

"I want a hug too!" Bingo said and slammed into the hug, making us fall over.

We all laughed at the misfortune on the floor as mum and dad looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay you three, up ya pop, time for bed."

"Okay mum, goodnight Bluey Goodnight Bi-"

Bingo had climbed into my bed without me noticing, she was sitting there wagging her tail like a pup waiting for a treat. "Can I sleep with you again? I am afraid of another bad dream..." She said putting her hands together and looking down.

"Yes Bingo, you may." I said to her, her tiny tail wagged again, and Bluey was fast asleep once more.

"Love you Nick" Bingo gave me a peck on the cheek. I returned it on her forehead.

"Love you Bingo, goodnight." I said as I turned to her, and pulled her close to me.

"Aww." Mum said, "Goodnight you three, see you in the morning."

Kinda a bad day, but it's only one day... Right?

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