Chapter 10

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I walked back inside and looked at my schedule for today.

1. Go to Asgard and ask about Loki.

2. Go to Baxter building to meet Reed's wife.

3.Meet Darcy Lewis.

Well then, today's going to be easy.I looked around for Thor and found him watching some science documentary on TV I could tell he didn't care so I had to save him.

"Hey Thor, ready to go to Asgard?"

Thor got up and fast walked towards me and picked me up and lead me outside and yelled at Hiemdall to open the gate. Hiemdall opened it and for once he looked amused.

"Trying to get away from Jane I see." Hiemdall said taking his sword out.

"You have no idea." Thor said putting me down.

Thor and I split up and walked around the palace looking for Odin. I found Frigga and decided to ask her.

"Frigga!" I waved her down until she stopped.

"Hello Layla." Frigga said in her calm queen voice.

"Do you know where Odin is? I need to ask him about Loki, he's been missing for two days."

"I'm sorry but you can not speak to Odin, he has fallen into the Odin-sleep, this time is worse than the last time. He wasn't prepared because it came early this time."

"Oh, I heard that he can still hear and see when he's in the Odin-sleep, is that true?"

Frigga nodded."Yes. You could go talk to him, but would be able to answer though."

"I'll go try." I walked to Odin chamber to see him in this golden aurora. I sat down beside him.

"Hi Odin, it's Layla. I was going to ask you do you know were Loki's gone?" I waited a few minutes.

"That's all I wanted to ask, bye."

I left and went to go find Thor. I looked for him for three minutes then found him with Sif.

"Thor, I have bad news."

"Do you have any good news?"

I shook my head. " I have none. The bad news is, no one has seem Loki in a while, and Odin's in the Odin-sleep."

Thor thought it over." I see. I think you should go back to Midgard to continue searching."

"Good idea."I go back to Midgard and start looking around places Loki might be.



3. any place I haven't checked yet.

I didn't find Loki anywhere so I went back to finally went to the Baxter building to meed Reed's wife.I went to the top floor and knocked.

"Reed? It's me, Layla."

Reed opened the door immediately.

"Layla! You made it come in." 

Reed ushered me inside to the couch where Reed's wife was sitting.

"Susan, this is my best friend Layla.Layla this is my wife Susan."

I shook Susan's hand."Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to."Susan gave one of the I hate everything about you already smile.

"Reed told me that you use to study with him."

"I did almost every day."

"So, are you married, divorced? What?"

"I'm in a relationship."

"Really now? Were is the lucky guy?"

"Uh..." I took a deep breath.

"My boyfriend Tom, has been missing for a few days."

Susan gave a gasp.

"Missing? How?"

"We were at a party and he looked worried and left."

"Are you with child?"




"Using drugs?"


Susan thought for a moment.

"Did you drop out of school?"


"Do you have a job?"

"I use to work at shield but I quit.I think I might work there again."

"Was he involved with bad people."

"In a way, but I was in more involved than he was."

"He probably just broke up with you." Susan finally said sitting up in her seat.

"I think that's enough questions about Layla's boyfriend. Shall we go see if Ben is here." Reed said pulling Susan and me up."

"Ben, I haven't seen him in a while."

We all looked around for Ben and found him with his girlfriend Alicia Masters(A/N:I had to watch Fantastic 4 again to find out Ben Grimm had a girlfriend.)

"Ben, guess who's here to visit?"Reed motioned his hand at me."

Ben ran up to me and hugged me to death."Hey Arwen! How's my little lord of the rings princess doing?"

Ben put me down."I'm good, I'll tell one last time. Just because I'm a elf dosn't mean I'm from lord of the rings!"

Ben patted me on my head."I'll believe it when you prove it."

Alicia placed her hand on Ben shoulder."Ben, don't make the little elf angry. Remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah, I remember.I could of beat her if she hadn't cheated." Ben crossed his arms.


A/N: Hello, so I'm still trying to decide where they will find Loki.

Goodbye Mortals ^_^

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