Chapter 32

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Loki POV:

I felt Layla's pulse. She was still alive.

Why did she twitch? Is she dreaming about something?

I walked down to the not destroyed training room and I saw Sif trying to calm down a group of yelling Dark Elves.I stood beside Sif and she nodded my way a little.

"Loki wasn't thinking! He was blinded with rage!" Sif yelled over a few Eleves yelling.

"Loki is a fool!" A elf yelled from the back of the group.

Do they not see me standing here?

" I am not a fool. Sif is right,I was blinded with rage. If I wasn't raged I would've never killed Algrim,he was my father in law."

"You gods don't care about any other races but your own!" Yelled a older elf in the front.

"I care about other races."

"Really? Name three races you care about! and tell us why!"

How did I get into this?

"I care about Dark Elves because I'm married to one. I care about Asgaridians because I was raised by them.I lastly care about Jhoutuns because I was born one." No gasps at the last part.Good.

"Why did you kill Algrim? What did he do?"

"He, was angry and blinded with more rage than I was.He tried to kill the All-Father."

Sif laughed and snorted once making all the Dark Eleves laugh.Sif stopped laughing and stared daggers into every one of them.They all stopped laughing and looked away from Sif.

"Good to know you haven't changed Sif."

"Good to know your still bad at explaining." Sif said crossing her arms.

"If I was good at explaining, I would be the god of explaining.I'd be the most boring god ever."

Sif laughed a little."True."

I left the group of Elves and walked to Odin's room.

Odin was in his bed. Except his aurora was no longer yellow it was blue. Frigga was by his side crying in her arms.I walked over to Frigga slowly so she wouldn't hear me.

"Loki I know your here. " Frigga said still crying a little.

So much for being quite.

"How is doing?"

"He was very burned in the fight. It likely he won't survive."Frigga started crying again.

I rubbed Frigga's back smoothly."I'm positive he'll live through this.He is the All-Father after all."

Frigga gave a small smile."You're right Loki."

I stayed quite while Frigga cried.

She finally stopped crying and told me to leave her. I walked back down the hall and I Hela walking Darcy... I think. I walked a little and caught up to them.

"Where are you two going?" I asked politely.

Darcy screamed and tried to taze me but she tazed Hela making her pass out.

"You need to practice on your aim Darcy. You missed my completely."

Darcy punched Me in the chest."Don't sneak up on me dude! I don't like jump scares!" Darcy gave me a pissed off face.

"Keep calm Darcy.It was a joke."

"Promise you'll never do it again!" Darcy yelled in my face making a few servants stop and look.

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