Chapter 17

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A/N: Choice 1 won!!! ~_^

Loki and I kept looking through books then Loki closed his book then had a idea.

"Layla, none of these names are interesting. How about we make up our own."

I closed my book. "Good idea, how about we mix our father's names together!"

A few people in the library shushed me.

" Mix our fathers names together?" Loki thought about it. " The names would be Lagrim and Alfey... They sound interesting..."

"I like it. What do you think?"

"Anything you like I will love."

"Really?" I thought of something disgusting. " I really like brussel sprouts."

Loki didn't say anything for a moment. " Anything you like I will love, except for brussel sprouts. "

We decided on the names and we walked around the village getting last minute thing for our wedding.

" Are we done?"

"Not quite yet, we need 9 more things."

"Buuut my feet hurt!! Could you give me a piggy back?" I whined.

" Fine." Loki gave me the list and I got on his back.

" I forgot to tell you, Stark wants a place at the wedding."


" He paid for your wedding ring."

" You got me a wedding ring?"


"Aww!" I kissed Loki's cheek.

Loki and I went to Midgard and Loki took me to a hair salon and waited at the desk.

" Hi and welcome to Super Cuts, how may I help you?"

" I would like to set a appointment for my fiancè Layla."

The stylist looked at me and I waved a little still holding on to Loki's neck.

" What day would you want the appointment?"

"Tomorrow at 12 pm. Our wedding is at 3pm."

The stylist wrote the time down in a huge book.

"Is that it sir?"


"Your sure? I could give you a hair cut."


Loki left the salon.

" Really? I could just do my own hair."

" I've seen you do your hair, it's like your in a battle with it." Loki chuckled a little.

" It's not funny! I've seen you do your hair to it takes you like 5 hours just to slick it back!"

" Have you ever seen my hair when it's not done?"



We arrived at Stark towers and I went up stairs and saw someone on the couch that looked exactly like me. I went up to the person and tapped them on the shoulder.

" Excuse me, who are you?"

The person looked around and stared at me for a little bit then jumped of the couch and grabbed a tazer and pointed it at me.

" What are you!"

"My names Layla, Layla Jones. Who are you?"

"I'm Darcy Lewis. Why do you look exactly like me?!?"

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