Flower shop (lucifer)

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I sit at the check out of my flower shop. There are a few customers browsing around for table placement flowers, or consolation flowers or whatever else you need flowers for. But, I'm waiting for a certain customer. Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month he comes by. Picking out different flowers each time. Usually seasonal specific flowers. Two weeks ago he came by getting some beautiful carnations. (A great pick if you ask me).

He always smiles wide while I try to chat it up. Maybe, and hopefully make a connection with him. Till either I can build the courage to ask him out or he finally comes to the realization that I'm meant for him. Until then I'll stick with the simple small talk and banter I guess.

I rest my chin on my fist. Maybe we could go to a botanical garden, or volunteer to rehabilitate a park. What if he didn't want anything to do with flowers? My face turns from a glorious whimsical smile to a down turned frown.

"Why the long face luci?" I hear the ever entrancing voice looking up to see him. His dark yet light skin illuminated by the florescent lights of my shop. A variation of a red suit he always where's.

I collect myself blushing straightening up darting my eyes away from his. "Nothing, just a slow day, like most days." He smiles nodding his eyes look like an old tree stump all the rings of dark and light wood signaling its age. "Oh I just got an order in of irises, and some monte casino asters in both purple, and pink. I can get some from the back if your interested."

"That would be lovely." He smiles resting his elbows on the counter. I blush quickly turning around grabbing three vases for each flower.

"These are the asters and this one is the irises." I explain placing down the vases in-front of him. He looks eyes squinting. Fingers rubbing the petals then bending down to smell them quickly. His face is close to mine. I can smell his cologne. A woodsy umber sent wafting towards my senses. I try to inhale the sent quietly. He looks up eyes meeting mine. Those wooden stumps of beauty.

He laughs a bit, it's a low chuckle and i can't help but feel myself pulled in. He looks at me waiting for something. I stand there awkwardly till he takes aback opening his mouth again.

"Which one do you recommend?" He asks placing his hands behind his back.

I clear my throat, "um well I really like the pink asters, uh yeah." I blurt out. In reality I like these flowers becuase they commonly represent love and sensitivity.

He nods along with my words looking at me. I nod a bit as well. "Why?" He asks looking at me.

"Well they smell nice, and uh." I stutter out.

"The pink ones represent love, correct?" He says smirking at me. "Why would you choose the ones that represent that?"

"Oh, I just assumed you bought these flowers for your, partner?" I sputter out fumbling with my hands trying to control the blush that's absolutely visible on my cheeks.

"I don't have one." He says flapping his hand down. "But, thank you for the thought." His voice changing to a tone I can't decipher.

"So, why do you come here every 2 weeks? If the flowers aren't for someone special" I ask seriously wildly curious.

"To see you." He shrugs my mouth drops and his smile brightens. "Your quite terrible at hiding your feelings." He says "I've been waiting this whole time for you to ask me out."

"I-I was waiting for you too." I somehow manage to put together despite my brain fuzzing up and my heart speeding about. "Wait, you've been coming here for 2 years, you've been..." I trail off placing my hand on my chin.   

He laughs again, "yes I have been."

"Do you wanna go to the botanical gardens?"

He smiles letting out his chuckle, "of course. Now can I get these pink asters?" I nod taking out ten stems ringing him up. Agreeing to meet him at the gardens at 7.

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