Antenna (valentino) (updated)

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The car pulses with the boom echoing out of the club. I turn smiling at Vox placing my pink tinted glasses on my face. I reach out my hand ready to be his little man candy. My fingers barley touch his before he pulls his hand back straightening his bow tie my smile only wavering slight. The chafer opens the door. I smile gratefully at the contracted demon grabbing his hand, hoping to make Vox jealous. My heels click across the concrete as I walk straight up to the bouncer Vox following idly behind me.

The bouncer opens the velvet rope his arms guiding me in. I smile at him as well letting my eyes trail his body. I really made a mistake signing him for the club and not the studio. He would rank in so much money being all strong, and bulky.

The lights of the club flash across our faces as we walk in. That's when Vox finally takes my hand in his. We both head over to our own private couch. A couple drinks are dispersed across the table already. I soak in the environment the smells shifting through me non stop. The smell of cologne, and perfume. There's the smell of exhausted body's continuously grinding upon one another. There's the sweet smell of sex drifting from the bathrooms. I can even smell the liquor spread across the club. The mixes of tequila, vodka. For those who don't know how to party I can smell whiskey and rye especially near our own private couch.

Sitting down the bass vibrates through my body. I would have enjoyed the feeling more if we weren't also on a business venture.

Vox greets our partners raising his hand for service to come over and get us drinks. That they do in a matter of seconds we have a server scribbling down the drinks our group orders. Their reckless hands digging into their pockets taking out a cigarette for me avoiding eye contact.

I sit puffing away at the gifted cigarette while vox discusses plans. I can't quite hear anything. Despite the DJ playing a slower song for the sad little couples on the dance floor I still feel it vibrating through me. It no longer feels good. It radiates through my feet up my legs shaking my antennas that are quivering from the stimulation. Although I usually love overstimulation on a regular basis it doesn't sit right tonight.

I remove my glasses trying to center myself by removing one of my senses however it doesn't do much only increasing my others. Maybe I should just leave.

My phone lights up from the table I quickly place my glasses back on my face looking at the notification.

Are you here? I'm about to go on stage

Angels words illuminate across my face fingers rubbing the sides of the phone. My eyes dart to the stage in the middle of the club. My thumbs carefully contemplate above the keyboard before typing a message back to him. I smile laying it back face down on the blue glass tinted table.

My eyes shift over to Vox, who's removed his suit jacket, spread across the couch lazily in a comfortable manner. At some point in my easy distraction the few partners had left. Vox's screen painted in annoyance glaring me. My stomach bubbles at the smell of his cologne, which he obsessively applied before making it to the club.

The lights of the club dim as the crowd erupts into cheers the alcohol on their breaths exploding through the room. I almost audibly gag at the smell, but control myself and hold it in.

Pink lights rise from the stage growing brighter and brighter the crowd ecstatically aware of what's next to come. A crackle comes from the speaks darting through the crowd hitting me hard. I flinch as a voice takes a sharp breath. "I HOPE YOU SLUTS ARE READY!" It shouts taking a pause for the crowd to cheer once again. I take a puff of my cigarette trying to drown the sound in my smoke. Every syllable the announcer lets out jabs me in the chest my stomach building with nausea. I don't understand why it's so intense today. Usually I get a little annoyance my throat clenching with the scents, but I can tell today is different.

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