Shameless plug (before i met them) (not a real chapter)

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Hey just wanted to let you know that if you like angel dust angst or fluff or anything involving him I have a perfect story for you about angels life before meeting Charlie and vaggie.

Assuming what s2 will have it will become outdated but at the moment this is how I envisioned angels life. Anyway you should read it it's good and has my own OC's in it:)


Anthony ends up in hell the second he lands there everyone seems to notice him. Even in a ratty old t-shirt.

He's even told to go to a club for work. With no there information in where to go and what to do he does. After making his way to Club 666 he makes fast friends with pearl on of the girls their who takes the places as his mentor.

He works their happy and maybe a little doped up, that is until a new 4 armed guy canes along aswell, Valentino a moth demon, who's plan is more than to become a simple stripper.

Angel immediately intrigued by the moth man seems to fall faster than he fell into hell, but not everything in angels life is true passion.

⚠️Tw!⚠️: many forms abuse sa, ea, pa, drug use and references, rape, sex work

This is not a romanticized version of Angelval it's my own opinion on how Angel become the Angel we know and how Val actions twisted him into the soul he is.

I know I'm really bad at spelling and such but I enjoy writing if anything is spelled wrong please let me know.

Also if anyone is intrested in making a cover for my story please let me know.


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