Son? (Pensious)

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"I can't believe you actually got redeemed that's so cool!" Emily bubbly personality nags on me all day as she shows me around heaven. It's much smaller that hell and much less populated.

"And to end our tour this is the nursery. All the children of heaven reside here." She cheers out.

I look at all the happy little kids. Uncomfortable tears welling up in my eyes. I wipe my eye with my finger trying to hide my emotions.

"I love coming over here it's sad, but their so happy!" She says cheerfully still looking at the kids and not me.

I try to hold my tears in, which leaves my nose to run. I sniffle and that's when she finally turns my way. Her expression changing from her happy go lucky self to very concerned.

"Hey, it's okay sir pentious." She soothes me rubbing my back. I grasp onto the playground fence sitting down. She follows me crouching and giving  me a hug. "What's wrong?" He lifts my head holding it in her hand.

"Nothing." I manage to slither it out between my sobs.

"Did you have a kid?" My  tears growing stronger memories flashing by. I just barley nod my head. "That's great do you wanna find him."

My head shoots up. "No, it doesn't matter. It was many decades ago. He probably doesn't even rember me."

"What are you talking about? He'd probably love to see you." She's still rubbing my back but she's back to her normal optimistic self.

"He really wouldn't. It was the 1800s when he died. Not great for children a mess." I rub my tears from my eyes placing my head back in my knees. "He died when he was nine. Some sickness I wasn't even around for it. I was working the whole time. I barley saw him and he barley saw me." I shudder out into my knees.

Emily grabs my hand helping me stand up.

"I bet he doesn't even care all the kids that have reunited with family are always so happy." She continues rubbing my back guiding me into the playground. 

"What was your sons name Pentious?" She looks at me Solomly as I sniffle a bit.

"Ezra." She nods heading over to one of the child souls.

"I'll ask one of the first child souls. She knows everyone. "Hi Amarys! I have a new friend, and I'm trying to help him find his son Ezra?" She says to the little one. "He died when he was 9 in the 1800s from a sickness if that helps."

She laughs a little shaking her head giving us a confused expression before shrugging it off, and giving us a response. "There's a lot of kids that died back then. Very few where named Ezra. At least at that age. Follow me he should be around the slide somewhere." She stands up walking us over to the playground slide climbing up it. She's very mature for being a child soul. Maybe being here for so long it's a bit saddening they never grow up from that.

"Hey Ezra I have someone you might want to meet." I here her voice drift softly from the top in the slide.

I here a few thuds before hearing the infamous slide squeaking as they make their way down.

"Ezra?" My eyes full once again with tears. He's a little guy illuminated by a baby blue light a halo placed playfully upside down on his head.

He turns his head looking at me inspecting me. His eyes scanning over me.

My gut clenches with the fact he won't remember me. Won't want to see me again after I wasn't there for him in life or death.

His eyes grow glossing over sparkles shimmering in them. "Papa?" I smile slithering over him to give him a hug. Picking him up spinning him around. He playfully laughs. "I love you papa." He says my gut wrenching knowing I did nothing in his life to deserve the love from him.

"Thank you son. I'm sos sorry for not being around when you where sick, but I can be here if that makes up for anything." He looks at me innocently nodding his head. An ice rising through my brain till it's my only thought.

He doesn't remember any bad from his life. Maybe that's working in my favor, but it feels utterly wrong that he thinks I'm a good person.

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