Date pt:2 (husk)

47 1 0

A new message pops up on my screen. The ever knowing buzz sound for the app going off. Despite being home alone a yank for my phone blushing.

I read the message a simple hi. Better than the compromising photos I get most of the time.
I respond seeing the little box with.

You don't remember me do you?

Should I?

I would have expected considering
What I did my senior year lol.

Senior year?

I'm Angel. The horny gay kid
With a big crush on you...

Oh, yeah I remember...

I place my phone down remembering the occurrences 2 years ago with my student Anthony "Angel" Rossi. I flip my phone back over.
Yeah, I'm really sorry about
That shit I did. Dumb teen
With raging hormones or some

You can say that. How have
You been? What have you been

Exactly what a degenerate
Like me would become.

And that is?

A stripper dumbass. My only
redeeming quality being my

Don't say that shit. if you tried

Hah, sure. Anyway I'm not
Your student anymore and
Signal. If your also single
Assuming you are since you
Have this app you wanna go to dinner?

Sure, I've got nothing
better to do. When?

Friday you can pick.

I throw a nice dress shirt on and some pants grabbing my wallet and keys to my rusty Corolla. Driving to down town to one of the apartment complexes. I see a tall guy standing out side in a fluffy fur jacket.

I drive up next to him opening my door stepping out. "Angel?" I ask looking at the man the pink coat covering a tight dress the top lined with pink feathers along with the bottom edge.

 "Angel?" I ask looking at the man the pink coat covering a tight  dress the top lined with pink feathers along with the bottom edge

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"Husk hello! It's nice to see you again." He greets ecstatically as I walk around to the side he on. His heels click walking up to me giving me a hug. He towers over me his arms hugging around my shoulders.

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