Anniversary (Charlie)

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"Hun I'm back!" I here Vaggies voice ring through the hotel as the door chimes open.

I bolt up from my spot on the couch. "Vaggie!" My arms reach around her body clinging onto her. "What did you get?" I ask trying to peak through the white paper bags she had in her hands.

It's our official 3 years of dating anniversary, and our 4 year meet-aversary of course was about a month ago. She went out to get us special treats and foods to celebrate just the two of us.

Though neither of us could guarantee any of our other hotel patrons would try, and take a little for themselves.

For the last two years we've switched who gets food. Well, the first time Vaggie took it as her turn, and she wasn't exactly aquatinted with the flavors of hell. We ended up having to get take-out.

"What did you get?" I excitedly squeal trying to peak into one of the bags in Vaggies hand.

"Nope it's a surprise hun." She says turning her body away from me keeping the bags out of my reach. I smile shaking my head.

"I'm sorry I'm just so exited. I know it's only 3 years, but...." I trail off as I heat the echos of voices in the hotel.

"But, it's a very important day no matter how long. You can be exited Charlie." She grabs my shoulder looking me in the eyes. I could swim in her eyes for hours if it meant I could stay in this moment.

"Hey love birds." I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder as his "New York" (where ever that is on earth) interrupts our moment.

I smile an idea popping into my head. "How about you guys go out clubbing or something. You guys haven't taken any breaks from the hotel since we left for heaven." I offer as angels face lights up. He nod enthusiastically rushing over to the concierge telling the others who are sat on the bar stools.

"I'm going to get ready." I say rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand.

Once in our room by myself I open the doors of my armoire, though I do hate how fancy and stuck up I sound referring to it as that. I grab a bag covered hanger that ensures the outfit has come to no harm.

I unzip the the "casing" so to say taking out the red jumper with a giant belt buckle in the front with a beautiful shoulder cape that falls down to the ground.

I turn my self in the mirror making sure I look my best before opening the door to the room and heading back to the lobby

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I turn my self in the mirror making sure I look my best before opening the door to the room and heading back to the lobby.

I hear a gasp escape her lips once in centered at that stairs her eyes looking at me in astonishment. She's changed into a suit of her own that she probably changed into in the supply closet.

Vaggie has set a little table with a white table cloth with a lace table mat placed over it. The middle of the table is adorned with two small candles and a vase with elegant red roses.

She pulls the seat out for me, and once I'm slid into place she pushed me in so the middle of my torso is an inch or so from the table.

Once she's also sat down I grab her hand kissing the back of it rubbing my thumb over where I had kissed her.

"Thank you Vaggie really. I love you." I look in her eyes as they light up. Their even better than earlier.

"I love you too hun."


Don't forget to vote this was kinda shit but what ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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