Soft Break (carmilla)

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"What's on thy mind Carmilla?" Zestials voice rings through my ears the echo behind it drifting out. "You are not your typical self." I places his hand on my shoulder turning me around. I wipe a tear smudging the little amount of makeup I wear. He cradles my cheek softly.

"Nothing Zestial." I say smiling sniffling my nose.

"Thy words are not sincere. Telleth me the sooth." He wraps me around in his wings.

"It's just, I don't feel the same about you as I had." I whisper into his ear fearing this could ruin everything for me.

"And yond's a problem because?" He looks down at me sincerely. "Telleth me and we wilt figure' t put quite quaint." I smile his words soothing me like they always do.

"I don't, love you anymore. In the way I have. I don't know when I started feeling this way, but I have I'm sorry Zestial.

"Yond's what's been worrying thee? I've been humor a drift to I didn't wanteth to sayeth aught unless thee did doth. I believeth we're better off carter-cousins. Yond's well enow with thee right carmilla?" I nod my head into his chest letting the embrace of friendship over take.

"You sure your okay?" I ask him.

"Don't worry for me Carmilla. 'T's gross in sense this is much harder on thee than 't would ever beest on me." He lets go of the hug. "Thou shouldst headeth to worketh. Those did betoken me through the talking box. Thither wast an issue." He tells me grabbing his coat from the rack. I laugh

"You can call it a phone." I say grabbing my own

He shakes his head walking into the room we where sharing grabbing his stuff.

"Thou can leave. I shall avaunt by the time thou join back." He lets out while I hear the pulls of the drawers.

I wipe on more tear off before walking out to the factories.


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