Heaven (vaggie)

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"Yo vaggisouras in the house!" I here his voice yell out running through my ears. I shudder before putting on a smile and walking up to him giving his a classic fist bump.

"What's up Adam?" I shout out over the music.

I'm attending yet another one of his lame ass rock concerts that's nothing but noise and male absurdity's. I aked him in the past if I could get a few of the girls and do a performance. He didn't like the idea said "only guys know how to really rock hard." While making obscene hand gestures.

He always hosts one last concert to mark the end of heavens colander year. Which also is known as extermination eve here. Though he'll never explicitly say Eve not after the garden.

"Bey Adam. Big turnout huh?" I say trying to sound cheerful and amused by his everyday antics.

"Uh huh yeah." He nods, "why wouldn't people come out to see this fucking shit. It's great!" He shouts out over a guitar solo. I nod while some guy in headphones try's to get his attention.

"Uh-sir, ex- excuse. Sir..." the little guy tugs on Adams clothes trying to get the slight bit of attention he has.

"What dip shit." He turns around yelling.

"They need you back stage sir, your on in 5." Adam shrugs

"Bye vaggie! Get ready to destroy some demon ass!"

"Yeah see you Adam."

"Call me dick master!" He keeps yelling getting farther away.

I smile till he turns the corner and it drops frowning making a mouth out of my hand mocking his words. " 'cal me dick master'" I chuckle to myself. "The fuck he thinks he is." I shake my head walking off. If I'm not front and center for his performance he may just shit himself with rage.

"Hey lute!" I shout as I push my way through the moshing bodies.

"Hello vaggie." She says in her usual stone cold tone.

"Yeah, adams on soon." I say trying to make light with her.

"Good I need all the rest before we slighter those vile little heathens." She says putting her hand into a fist.

"Yeah, me to." I say holding my a. I never did really like lute she was to cold for me a real bitch honestly.

"Well uh see you tomorrow let's slaughter those heathens." I laugh out giving some finger guns while walking backwards before turning around holding my head in my hands yelling at myself for being so stupid.

Tonight I can be stupid but tomorrow I have to be all fucking business. Gotta break my 347 record this year top the charts again.


"And yeah that was about my life in heaven really wasn't anything." I tell Charlie. "I mean absolutely nothing would happen between those two days." I quickly say watching her move my hair away from my eye.

"Wow, vaggie heaven reply sounds terrible when you tell me that stuff." Charlie rubs her hand across my jaw.

"Well, terribles not the right word. when your in the angelic army, yes life isn't as freeing as you'd hope in heaven, but all the other souls have great times." I say holding her hand in my lap. "Just because I had that shit experience, and I mean shit. Doesn't mean you should give up on redemption. Souls should be able to go to heaven expecting greatness." She nods a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Is it bad I wish you where a dinner first sometimes?" She looks up at me her eyes glistening with tears. I run my thumb collecting a few of the runaway water droplets tubbkng them on my skirt.

"Of course not, but who knows if I would have met my beautiful girlfriend." I say. "I don't think she'd like you sitting so close to me." I boop her nose leaning in to kiss her. Our lips softly playing against each other. "I'm glad I was in heaven. I realized it wasn't my real heaven. This is, right here with you." I breath out my lips tracing softly against hers as I speak. She smiles pick game up and laying me on our bed.

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